This website contains and includes our opinions, hunches, suspicions and best guesses:


Scams on home buying, home sales and condo sales and rentals in Pattaya, Thailand, are greatly, vastly on the rise in 2024, and in our experience, the scams are coming from mostly farang (expat and sexpat foreigners), "Real Estate Agents" and condo sales and rental agents and agencies, some of whom APPEAR to be quite well established and trustworthy in the area. It's usually a facade, a trick, a tongue-in-cheek joke on the expats and renters (their victims); it's all part of the scam. Don't be fooled. They're laughing at you and I know that to be literally a fact.



...You will ONLY find glowing, 5-star reviews of Gecko Property Rentals because a negative review in Thailand is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE, as well as a civil offense. You can AND WILL BE jailed (read farther down) and even sent to prison for up to TWO YEARS in Thailand if you leave a negative online review about any business while you're still in the country (or plan to ever return) and that business calls the police. You will go to jail and you will be sued for any amount the business desires and you will be PREVENTED FROM LEAVING THE COUNTRY (or from ever coming back). Is this madness, downright clinical insanity? Yes, of course it is, without a doubt, but it gets even worse: Thai law states that The Truth Shall be No Defense. Read it again. And again. And again. Because it's in the Thai law and they mean it. So, you've done your due diligence on a Real Estate Rental agency, and Gecko Properties looks "just fine", right? No! Because no one is allowed to tell the truth about them. We are very seriously considering returning to Thailand to force the authorities to arrest me for this website, because then this case will make the International news, and Gecko deserves that plus a great deal more, as does Steve Scholey, Bobbie Tillotson, and Jay Solomon. Thailand deserves it too, for drafting such patently insane laws. Read more about this throughout these pages.


Our complaints about Gecko Properties and Jay Solomon, including but not limited to:



1. Lying and misrepresenting the property

2. Charging rent on property not owned

3. Using an illegal contract

4. Refusing to effect critical repairs

5. Effecting repairs in a grossly faulty manner

6. Renting a property not fully habitable

7. Masturbating on our bed (we walked in on Solomon)

8. Stealing the deposit at termination of contract


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Pattaya Scams

Jay Solomon Data Dump HTML Here


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Rental Scams and Scammers,

Condos, Homes, Pattaya, Thailand


"Condo for Rent in Pattaya"


Scammers Galore!


Rental Scams in Pattaya, Thailand and SE Asia




What is a Gecko?

It's a filthy House Lizard. A pest.

A nuisance.

A parasite.

And yes, they bite.



This page is an introduction

Full website for Jay Solomon
and Gecko Properties here


Rental Scams in Thailand and SE Asia


Close Cousins of:

Burglars, Thieves, Housebreakers, Cat burglars, Sneak thiefs, Embezzlers, Muggers, Shoplifters, Stealers, Pilferers, Raiders, Looters, Plunderers, Pillagers, Marauders, Bandits, Brigands, Pirates, Highwaymen, Crooks, Cracksmen
They aren't quite yet homicidal pedophiles, but they're working their ways down that dark path.


ABOVE: Sexpat Rental Scammer, Pattaya, Thailand


Jay Allan (Alan or A.) Solomon, Real Estate scammer extraordinaire, Pattaya, Thailand
Formerly practicing real estate in New York City, then southern California (where else?)

Working in conjunction and partnership with Gecko Real Estate, in Pattaya, Thailand

Over a decade in Thailand and all SE Asian countries, and I was scammed barely at all by the natives. The only real and consequential scam I endured was at the hands of Solomon and Gecko.

True, bono-fida scum of the earth.


By the why, sexpats and punters. It's not Pa-TAI-ya. Where the Brits came up with this no one will ever know and they INSIST on mispronouncing it to their dying days.

It's PAT-uh Ya. Briefest pause between the uh and the Ya

PATuh Ya


Rental Scams in Thailand and SE Asia



Our complaints:

Lying repeatedly, in front of multiple witnesses, and misrepresenting the property offered

Charging rent on property not owned

Using an illegal contract

Refusing to effect critical repairs

Effecting most repairs in a grossly faulty manner

Renting a property not fully habitable

Masturbating on our bed (we walked in on Solomon)

Stealing the deposit at termination of contract


Full website for Jay Solomon
and Gecko Properties here


This is the Home Page of...

Monkeys Wearing Pants


Exposing Bad Governments, Scammy

Businesses and Stupid People.

Because....without them, where would we be?

What's the dumbest nation on earth?

America is working hard to win that prize.

But currently SE ASEAN Countries Have First Place.



This website is

Copyright (c) 2022


The purpose of this website is to:


Educate newcomers and existing expats alike in the often bizarre and mystifying ways of life, living and commerce in most SE Asian countries.




It ain't all cake and ice cream.




Do you like slimy, creepy things? Snakes? Geckos? Worms?


Naw. Neither do we.


But SE Asia is overflowing with them, like a long-plugged rotting toilet.


We don't mean in the jungle.


We mean in the business districts.


Trying to do business here (Pattaya / Chonburi), especially in Real Estate, Home and Condo Rentals, etc., will often, usually, or always be one long, interminable exercise in lying down with snakes, worms, geckos, maggots, vipers, constrictors, flesh-eating beach bacteria, salmonella, e-coli, and a host of other nasties. Lie down with them (i.e. struggle to do honest business with them) then see what you get up with. Chances are high the things that cling to you will be revolting beyond belief. Would you name your company "Stinky Rotting Gecko Incorporated"? How about, "Snake Enterprises Ltd."? Or "Worms-R-Us"? Of course not. But that's too often what some slimy, dishonest businesses SHOULD be named, so folks would have a better idea of which ones to avoid. Here's what you get when you mess around with reptiles:


"Reptiles and amphibians have Salmonella germs on their bodies even when they appear healthy and clean. Salmonella can spread by either direct or indirect contact with amphibians (e.g., frogs), geckos, reptiles (e.g., turtles, lizards or snakes) or their droppings."


So why would you mess around with stinky, nasty things when seeking a property rental?


Answer: YOU SHOULDN'T. Because it's bad for your health AND your bank account.



If you've been screwed by idiot, dishonest landlords and scammy property management outfits, especially in the region of Pattaya, Banglamung, Chonburi, Thailand (20150 zip area), or if you're WORRIED about being screwed, scammed, lied to, stolen from, cheated, bamboozled, defrauded, treated badly, etc., by bad landlords in Pattaya, Thailand, then this Bud's for you.


We no longer reside in SE

Asia and never will again.


The problem isn't the Asians;

It's the Westerners (farangs).


Links to illustrate,

prove and document our

claims are pending:



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Gecko Property rentals, homes, commercial properties in the Pattaya, Thailand area


How to import an Amazon (or other) order to a SE Asian country? Good luck.


Jay Allan Solomon, Robert "Bobby" Tillotson, Steve Scholey, rentals, homes


Rental Scams, Chonburi, Pattaya, Thailand.


Rental and Condo scams, Bangkok.



Full website is here