Pattaya, Thailand, Rental Scams, Condos, Homes, Pattaya, Thailand Rental Scams in Pattaya, Thailand and SE Asia



This is Page Two

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Go to Jay Solomon Data Dump



...You will ONLY find glowing, 5-star reviews of Gecko Property Rentals because a negative review in Thailand is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE, as well as a civil offense. You can AND WILL BE jailed (read farther down) and even sent to prison for up to TWO YEARS in Thailand if you leave a negative online review about any business while you're still in the country (or plan to ever return) and that business calls the police. You will go to jail and you will be sued for any amount the business desires and you will be PREVENTED FROM LEAVING THE COUNTRY (or from ever coming back). Is this madness, downright clinical insanity? Yes, of course it is, without a doubt, but it gets even worse: Thai law states that The Truth Shall be No Defense. Read it again. And again. And again. Because it's in the Thai law and they mean it. So, you've done your due diligence on a Real Estate Rental agency, and Gecko Properties looks "just fine", right? No! Because no one is allowed to tell the truth about them. We are very seriously considering returning to Thailand to force the authorities to arrest me for this website, because then this case will make the International news, and Gecko deserves that plus a great deal more, as does Steve Scholey, Bobbie Tillotson, and Jay Solomon. Thailand deserves it too, for drafting such patently insane laws. Read more about this throughout these pages.



PAGE Two (Continued from Page One):





I have no line of communication to Jay Allan Solomon anymore. I've blocked everything. Please keep all (all) correspondence in writing so we have clear records. If LINE doesn't work for some reason, my email is, but email is quite clumsy compared to LINE. Due to spams and scams I do NOT answer phones anymore in Thailand. This house isn’t going to work out. Way too many issues. From a myriad small things broken that I’ve had to fix, to horrible neighbors, to cars blocking our gate (often the same cars repeatedly) and a host of other things. When I have a vacate date I will give it to you. I will interact with you only now. I will not interact with Jay Allan Solomon again. Years ago I could barely do business with him. Now I can’t at all.


Nearly every day has been something. Fortunately I’ve kept track of it because I’ve rented from Jay Allan Solomon before. I was so damned stupid to rent from him again. Almost every day is Just. Like. This. And now the people blocking the gate. As I said, it was just a little straw, but it was THE straw. I’m done. I refuse to go through what should be a peaceful retirement trying to deal with BS like this several times per week. So the last day of August, 2022, is my last day. Then we can fight over the 25,000b deposit. I will simply turn it over to the attorneys, along with my logs and this website, and I’ll detail every aspect and development on a website at as the case progresses. I will likely go back to the US. They have a thing called The First Amendment. Feel free to try to sue me, Jay. Sorry it didn’t work out. Maybe I should have only dealt with [Robert (Bobby) Tillotson] on this home. Jay Allan Solomon used to be out there circling Neptune. Now he’s Circling Pluto.


Note that as of this interaction, I still thought "Robert (Bobby)(Digger) Tillotson" at Mr. Hankey Property rentals, Pattaya, Thailand (Gecko), was a semi-decent sort (and at the time I thought Gecko Property management was part of "The" Gecko conglomerate out of the US. No, Gecko Property management in Pattaya is just a Brit guy in Pattaya with an office and probably a laptop and a bunch of listings in a database). The whole enterprise could be run on a Mac book Air. But anyway, with regard to Tillotson, I thought he was just a neutral party, running errands for Gecko Property management-Pattaya. I still stupidly thought that. Of course there had been his weirdness over the excess water bill which should have been a red flag on the field and a few really off-color comments he had made in the course of regular conversation....for the purpose of....what, exactly? I never knew, but I dismissed them as Bobby simply being British. And sometimes people can be assholes and then later get their heads out of their asses and regret it and start behaving like better humans. I assumed Robert (Bobby) Tillotson would do that. Jay Solomon did tell me, however, that the only renter he ever had serious trouble with was a Brit and that he had little or no use for them (Germans also -- Jay loathed the Germans; maybe the Nazi thing, who can say).


I emailed Robert (Bobby) Tillotson at the office as follows. I instinctively knew this was going to ramp up into something ugly and I was preparing for it:


At this point I still assumed (there's that ugly four letter word) that in Robert (Bobby) Tillotson I was dealing with a more or less honorable, competent, non-scammy agent. Little did I know.


Robert (Bobby) Tillotson replied as follows:


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:




To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


I’ll work up a list of problems with the home and lies about the home and we can look at whether we can resolve the finances amicably or must resolve them legally.


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


if you decide to move out it would mean breaking the contract then that would result in forfeiting the deposit paid


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


[The contract was already rendered invalid by Jay Allan Solomon's misrepresentation (lies) re the property being leased]


Ok then. Let’s resolve it legally.


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


What do you suggest? Per the contract In the event that the LESSEE is in breach of this AGREEMENT and vacates the PREMISES early the LESSEE will forfeit their deposit of the SAID PREMISES to the LESSOR


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


I don’t know yet. I have to detail out the problems and try to figure out which problems and lies the owner is liable for, then submit that for discussion. Yeah, the lessee can be held on the hook for deposit SUBJECT TO MISREPRESENTATIONS OF THE LESSOR. I SPENT YEARS IN YOUR BUSINESS. Let’s see how it shakes out after I present you with the case. You don’t even know what the case is yet but are trying to assert your position. You don’t know MY position but you are assuming yours trumps mine. Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t. In any case the website will be quite extensive. One suggestion to you: be very very careful in your business dealings with Jay Allan Solomon.


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


[Here's where it begins to become quite interesting and revealing about the morality of Gecko Property management, Pattaya and Bobby himself]:


Please show proof of payments for the months of July and August. Can we all meet at the house to clear the air and reach an agreement as if not both parties will have to take the legal route which will cost you both in the long run


And here's where the fun begins. Robert (Bobby) Tillotson is asking for proof of payment of the rent for July, 2022. I had already sent him the bank slip for that payment, as I always do, and it appeared in the chat he was communicating from, right there three messages up from where he asked for proof of rent payment. It was RIGHT THERE, only about an inch or two above his message. There was no way to miss it. Not only that, Jay Allan Solomon had already messaged saying, "Rent received, thank you". So exactly what was Robert (Bobby) Tillotson's game here? He knew the rent had been paid because he had the bank receipt right there, staring him in the face. He had already deposited my payment AND PASSED IT ON TO Jay Allan Solomon, and it had gone through the banking system and been placed in Jay Allan Solomon's account, and Jay Allan Solomon had thanked me for it in writing. So what was Bobby's angle here? Was it Robert (Bobby) Tillotson's idiotic plan to now try to say I had never paid the rent? My God! There was an electronic trail a mile long going through three banks. Was he going to try to come and kick us out for non-payment of rent? That was all I could think of. What a Goddamned scamming piece of shit!


I replied to Bobby:


You were already sent proof of rent payments for July, Bobby. As for the month of August, that was paid upon move-in as the last month’s rent. First and last, remember? Standard contract. Deposit of 25,000. And as for meeting here, you can’t park here anyway as cars have taken our space again and we have no recourse to move them. I see no reason to meet. I won’t live with Jay Allan Solomon as a landlord. Period. I will re-send proof of payment for July when I get to the computer since you have apparently lost it, even though it is still right there in this Line chat. I have begun the website. Would you like the URL? [] If you want to start spouting about legal action, I promise my own action will hurt your company vastly more than any action you can bring against me. That is not a smart approach for you to take with this. It truly is not smart. My rent has already been paid. Exactly what legal action are you proposing on a rental in which the rent has already been paid? Please explain what the suit would say. Let’s see: the tenant has paid the rent, but, uh, your honor, we demand that the tenant pay the rent. Is that your case? That won’t fly even in Thailand. Please don’t lie and say you didn’t receive it. It’s right there in this chat, Bobby. All you had to do is look.


What a stupid, stupid son of a bitch. Now I had a good idea of what Bobby Tillotson was made of. He was as dumb, or maybe dumber, than Solomon. The farangs here in SE Asia are known to be stupid and obtuse, but this was a new low. It's a cinch he hasn't shown this exchange to his bosses yet -- unless of course they're cut from the same scammy cloth, then they'd all high-five and carry on. I wonder if the principals in this business (Dead-Gecko Property Management Pattaya, Thailand) are ok with Bobby's scam attempt. Why not ask them yourself?


From Robert (Bobby)(aka Digger) Tillotson:


I did not say we did not receive it, please check chat history i was asking if you had proof of payment that was all.


Let's see. Tillotson's not saying he didn't RECEIVE it (there's a bank paper trail as long and wide as the Mississippi), but he's asking me to re-send the exact same proof of payment that already is displayed right there in the chat session that we're using to discuss this. I can see it myself, right there in Bobby's own chat! But he is.....what? Trying to suggest that if I can't provide that same receipt to him a second time, then he will claim we didn't pay the rent at all? What kind of utter Goddamned insanity is this? At this exact moment I realized that Bobby had just become my new enemy and that he was a wanna-be scammer. That's the word: Enemy. They say that the Impossibility of Reason. And there we were.


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


But YOU ALREADY HAD IT. What kind of game is this? I suggest YOU check the chat history. It’s right there a few messages up IN THE HISTORY. I’m sorry but you are beginning to show a side to your company that if true is frankly pretty ugly. You do understand that every message and interaction here will be in the public domain once I am out of Thailand? I suggest some care as you represent your firm.


At this point I RE-SENT the document from the bank, as shown below. I simply copied it straight from Robert (Bobby) Tillotson's chat, and pasted it BACK INTO Robert (Bobby) Tillotson's chat.


Below, bank receipt showing rent of 25,000b, less 2000b for pool maintenance that was to be paid directly by us.




To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


When you ask me to prove, again, that “I” have proof that I paid the rent, even though you had received that rent and that proof only three days before, and Jay Allan Solomon had acknowledged in writing that he received the rent — and then you try to insinuate that maybe if I could’t PROVE A SECOND TIME that I had paid the rent, maybe you would then try to assert I had NOT paid the rent. Sorry. That smacks of an attempted scam. That isn’t respectful. That shows me that your firm is looking for any way under the sun, no matter how dishonorable or sneaky, to get at me and cause grief and schlepp money. That doesn’t make us trusting business associates. That makes us adversaries. In the end Jay Allan Solomon may end up with 25,000b that is not morally due him. He lied about this property saying the space out front was “ours”. Here’s a quote, “That space out there is yours. It goes with the house. You can park another car there. You can put anything you want out there. That space is yours.” That was one, verbatim, of three such statements in front of clear-headed, sober, articulate witnesses. But as it turns out we can’t even stop drunken locals from blocking our gate! Jay Allan Solomon lied. Period. I would have never, ever rented this house knowing that was actually a common area. So Jay Allan Solomon might immorally get the $25,000 in the end. Maybe. Time will tell. But the publicity will cost him, and your firm, many many times that. Hewlett-Packard Packard once tried something like this on a fleet of commercial printers I bought from them. I related the transactions and messages faithfully online. Ask them how that worked out. This will shake out the same way. If Jay Allan Solomon wants to assert that he never made any of those three statements then the remedy is simply this: I come from Federal law enforcement in the US. I am not an expert on polygraphs but I know a lot about them and I like them. I really and especially like them when used on suspects that have even a semblance of a conscience. Unfortunately for Jay Allan Solomon, he does. It's not strong, but it's enough to make a polygraph work. He'll know when he's lying and he'll fail the test. He'll lie anyway, but in his heart he'll know it, and that's what polygraphs thrive on. Jay Allan Solomon's smidgen of a tiny conscience is fortunate for the examiner. I imagine Thailand has qualified polygraph examiners. In the US, A one-question test is about $500. I’m happy to pay for Jay Allan Solomon’s test on the condition it will be video’d. On this question alone, Jay Allan Solomon will fail it, guaranteed. The test will be made public. I’ve now asked one witness if she was present and heard those statements by Jay Allan Solomon. She was and heard them clearly. She is careful and articulate in her speech, both English and Thai. She makes an excellent witness. Jay Allan Solomon misrepresented the home. Period. I’m perfectly happy to pay her polygraph as well. But Jay Allan Solomon first, because after that we won’t NEED hers.


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


Okay- i have spoken with Jay Allan Solomon and there is an offer of a compromise as to save both parties going down the legal route and effectively costing you both possible legal fees- the compromise is as follows. The deposit held is 50,000 baht Jay Allan Solomon will allow you to use half of this to pay for the rent for the month of August and then you move out at the end of August after allowing us to do a final inspection, that leaves a fee of 25,000 baht remaining which Jay Allan Solomon will keep:


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


I will think it over and do a legal consultation with my attorney in the next few weeks. In the meantime my rent is paid. Probably best for what may remain of your reputations if you both refrain from contacting me again unless there is some physical problem with the house that needs tending. I hope you understand how famous this will make you, but I’m betting you have no grasp of it at all.


[A few weeks later I did accept this "generous offer", knowing that he who laughs last, etc.].


Neither Bobby nor Jay ever replied to my own "generous offer". How surprising is that?!


As of July 3, 2022, that was my last exchange with either of these rat bastards for quite awhile.


I have now sent the case to my attorney, along with the lease (which I haven't had time to review). Whether the sum of 50000b was a "deposit only" or the last month of rent, is moot. The FACT is that the lease was rendered null and void, invalidated and broken, BY Jay Allan Solomon, the instant he first lied about the property. He was selling something he didn't have to sell. That's called fraud. In the US, I'd have already filed the suit with both Jay Allan Solomon, Robert (Bobby) Tillotson, and his property management company, demanding the full refund of all rents and/or deposits, plus moving expenses IN and moving expenses OUT, plus our time and trouble. It's a slam dunk. I am 96% sure Robert (Bobby) Tillotson was present for at least one of Jay Allan Solomon's loud, clear, verbose statements (gesticulating and nearly yelling just inside the gate) promising the parking area in front of our gate was "ours" and that parking infractions COULD BE ENFORCED. I would bet a million baht, however, that even if Robert (Bobby) Tillotson heard at least one of those statements clearly, he would, in court, say he didn't. He has shown me that's how he rolls. I think that's the level of dishonor we're dealing with in this property management company and in Robert (Bobby) Tillotson himself. I think they're scammers. They erect a facade of professionalism, but deep down, they'll steal the change out of a baby's bib as quickly as they'd kick a kitten. They are scum and are to be avoided, or dealt with harshly if they can't be avoided.


What's my current strategy on this:


I'll wait to hear back from the attorneys. If they say sue, we sue. If need be we hit the PUBLISH key on this page after all clever aliases have been replaced for real names. Then we will do the proper SEO on the page. Then we establish a paid advertising scheme in which every search for Pattaya property rentals takes prospective tenants to this page. It will be funded generously (I'll start it at $1000/month and see if that provides the results I want). That's where we stand as of the first part of July, 2022. Unfortunately, I. Don't. Like. Thieves. or Liars. I went into Federal law enforcement way back when, out of a deep and unabiding hatred for crooks. As far as I'm concerned, these two, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, Jay Allan Solomon and Robert (Bobby) Tillotson (and Robert (Bobby) Tillotson's company) are crooks, plain and simple. Jay Allan Solomon may well end up with the immediate reward of having stolen our 25,000 baht. But I wouldn't be surprised to see him experience between 10 to 30 times that much in lost revenue over time (and we're in this for the long haul of years), and maybe three times that estimate for Mr. Hankey Property rentals, Pattaya, Thailand (they have far more suckers looking at their properties than does Jay Allan Solomon). Over the fall and winter we'll work up a living list of all properties represented by Mr. Hankey Property rentals, Pattaya, Thailand and Jay Allan Solomon, and we will periodically do mass mailings to each tenant in each property, advising them of this website. Those services cost pennies in the US. We will also advise every larger condo in the Pattaya area of this website.


Victims and potential victims have a right to know what kind of snakes they've become entangled with. Any responsible member of any society has a profound moral obligation to try to protect that society. If you had a serial pedophile in your midst and there was no effective law enforcement available, it might not be acceptable to become a "vigilante" and go correct the problem yourself, but at the very least you are absolutely and irrevocably duty-bound to make potential victims aware of the bad behavior so as to help keep society safe. I feel that moral obligation as strongly as I feel the need to breathe air. Without this mechanism in any society or community or, indeed, the world, the people are needlessly put in harm's way and possibly, or probably, overcome by the evil. The sheep dog spots the wolf at the edge of the herd and does its best to protect the herd. The creatures of the forest sound the alarm when predators approach. In that way, more stay alive. In this way, reporting one's experiences with bad businesses, more people can avoid being defrauded and stolen from. That's the only way civilization can stay above the jungle.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


We will also set up several online accounts for dating sites so we can locate Jay Allan Solomon's ads and warn unsuspecting young girls to avoid him. His disgusting sexpat behavior has seemingly only turned raunchier over the years. He now boasts about tricks he has learned to get them into bed. Many males who come to Thailand come because they like girls, but quite a number of them take that pursuit into the realm of the disgusting, and sometimes the illegal. I have come to find these types utterly revolting.


Summary thus far:


Jay Allan Solomon lied.


Robert (Bobby) Tillotson was going to try to claim we hadn't paid rent when he KNEW we had.


In my book, both men are the absolute scum of the earth and will be treated as such by me for my lifetime, and theirs.


Let's see who ultimately wins.


I had stated to Robert (Bobby) Tillotson, further up in this web page, that he should be careful when dealing with Jay Allan Solomon. I rescind that suggestion. Now it is my fondest dream that these two scammers (Jay Allan Solomon, the real liar and scammer, and Robert (Bobby) Tillotson the wanna-be scammer) should continue their business relationship forever. That will cause both of them misery and will cost both of them money and reputation. I heartily endorse Jay Allan Solomon's relationship with Robert (Bobby) Tillotson and with Mr. Hankey Property rentals, Pattaya, Thailand. May it be long.


Jay Allan Solomon lamented to me that he had "big problems" in his life. I wonder if others are after him. I hope his problems aren't health related because I truly want him to live a long, long time. I fear someone will off him. That would be a mistake on their part. To any would-be assassins I say this: To end this POS's life would be doing him a favor. He'll suffer far more from being helped to live. If he's dead, his troubles are over unless you believe in the Christian concept of Hell. But if he's alive, his life will remain the swirling sewer that it has always been and that's gratifying.


If Jay Allan Solomon ends up with another live-in prostitute I'll make sure she gets a Thai translation of this page. That won't convince her to dump him (I don't want her to). But it will give her the green light to pilfer and scam this imbecile even more than she normally would. Jay Allan Solomon is perhaps the most clueless man in Thailand when it comes to prostitutes and girls in general, and that alone commits him to a lifetime of misery on that level alone. I've tried to educate him but Jay Allan Solomon knows best. He KNOWS these 23 year old girls love him for his personality and his looks. He knows it. You can't even gently suggest otherwise. You can't bold-print say it straight up. He KNOWS he's a handsome, handsome man, a hunk, a prize, a keeper, and the ladies just love him to pieces with genuine adoration. I mentioned to him on a number of occasions that perhaps he could learn to treat Thai girls a little better, as in STOP TRICKING THEM INTO SEX-- this, usually, after he recounted some "particularly lucky conquest" in his condo out there in Na Jomtien. He counters these suggestions by shrugging and saying, to the effect, well, it doesn't really matter. "They'll still have sex with you." and note the quotes. He doesn't seem to care WHY they have sex with him (they're hoping for handouts without coming right out and saying they are prostitutes), and as long as they have sex they figure some crumbs will fall their way. If they don't, they ask for a "loan" (the sick buffalo strategy, Google it), and how many repay it? Right. I found him increasingly disgusting. At least when I'd known him years before, when he had the cheating Thai ex-nurse, he only cheated on that quasi prostitute with straight-up prostitutes a few times a month (Soi 6 was, he said, where he went for this). But now, he has no live-in girlfriend, and he is like a raunchy soi dog in heat.


We've now reviewed the lease on this miserable home and sure enough, the agents of the world (Digger and Gecko in this case) have figured out yet another little scam to try to keep even more of your money. These people are becoming a true scourge on the world, a class below pawn-shops and two classes below used car salesmen. What an honorable "profession", eh? Now they no longer write the lease with a first and last month being paid into the lease upfront, with a damage deposit tacked on. They write it with only the first month applying to rent, and then a HUGE deposit equaling TWO MORE months rent, which they can more easily find ways to refuse to refund upon move-out. If you're accustomed to a standard lease where it's first, last and deposit, you might erroneously skim right through that in the contract, as I did. In this case, even though I read the lease very carefully, I must have experienced a blind spot when I came to that clause because for much of my life it has been written as above and I "ASSUMED" it was a standard contract this time too. Indeed, you ARE dealing with scammers and shysters who apparently spend every waking hour trying to find the trickiest, most clever little means of getting fatter themselves, while screwing over the tenant. I fear that victims will simply start murdering these types, and I can't say I would blame them. If you caught a greasy robber with a knife in a dark alley, what would you do? I'd take the life of that robber. And what is the difference between that robber in Walking Street or Angeles City, and many landlords and "agents" these days? Really, there's very, very little.


So in this case, we could have stood to lose the entire 50,000 baht, and had that happened, I'm afraid many might have opted for the socially responsible course of action, a GOOD THING for society. Luckily, Jay Allan Solomon offered to screw us out of (steal) only 25,000 baht (about $1000usd). But the fact remains, there WAS NO VALID LEASE because Jay Allan Solomon invalidated it the first time he promised, in front of witnesses, that the outside space was OURS, that WE controlled it, that it WAS PART OF THIS PROPERTY. That lie rendered the lease null and void at that instant and it was repeated three times on two different occasions. So it's moot whether the deposit was for 25,000 or 50,000b. There was no valid contract at all and all monies should be returned to us.


It could be (probably will be) that the attorneys will come back and say, yeah, we think there's a good case here and we're willing to prosecute it on the grounds of fraud by Jay Allan Solomon with Gecko and Digger (Tillotson) as co-defendants, but you must be present to attend all proceedings. Unfortunately I will be leaving the country soon and will never return. Ten years is too many years in an insane asylum of odious, scamming farangs. Honestly, the sum of 25,000 potentially lost, accounts for only about 15% of my sheer and unmitigated rage over this. The other 85% stems from Jay Allan Solomon setting me up, lying and defrauding me, regardless of the amount. By his premeditated fraud he has thrown my life into extreme chaos and he ain't gonna get away with it. Not in this lifetime, or the next. I've set this matter up so my family can prosecute my plan even if my plane crashes into the Pacific on the way out of Thailand. This website will be completed, and I will then, as noted, undertake a paid advertising regimen across eastern Thailand so that every time a foreigner Googles for certain search strings, like "Gecko Properties", or Robert (Bobby) Tillotson's proper name, or Jay Allan Solomon's proper name(s), or the names of anyone at Gecko, this page will be presented to them in the search results. I'll also find databases of both of their properties, renewed every few months, and I'll pay a US company to send notices on schedules to every tenant, advising them of this URL. And that's only the beginning. And if I haven't mentioned it yet I'll do so here: I own 84 domains, 75 of which are currently free. This site can be moved to any of them, or multiple ones as automatic fail-safes, in, say, 15 minutes.


I. Don't. Like. Thieves.


Jay Allan Solomon thought that by misrepresenting this property (and then refusing to maintain it), he would be gaining a high-paying tenant. Never mind that it was through devious and fraudulent means -- he doesn't care. It's about GRABBING GRABBING SNATCHING all the money you can get, regardless of the dishonor involved to do it. Are all Jews like this? And Robert (Bobby) Tillotson is, it appears to me, his right-hand man in this, and probably in many similar, endeavors. Two peas in a pod -- or three counting Gecko itself.


My rage boileth over and I'm just warming up.


Life in the ancient jungle was just one mousetrap after another. One misstep and you got eaten by a lion or a croc or killed by a sneaking viper or speared by the neighboring tribe. The notion of becoming a civilized society was supposed to be about getting beyond that stage so that society would have the stability, safety and time to think clearly, to learn, to plan, and to evolve into a better people and a better place to live. Unfortunately, what has happened is this: That dream has lulled people into thinking it has actually happened, while all the while, the places and opportunities to set mousetraps have only increased. In the jungle days, one misstep and you were toast. In today's society, due to the "Jay Allan Solomons" and Gecko Property managers and Bobby Tillotsons of the world, it's worse. What a thing to be proud of.


One interesting thing to ponder:


In ten years in Thailand, I have had, overall, about 5-10% the amount of trouble with people as I had anywhere in America.


To break that down:


About 15% of that trouble came from Thais.


About 85% of that trouble came from farangs (usually sexpats, and usually British).


There are 66 million Thais in Thailand.


There are as many as 2.5 million foreigners of all types in Thailand.


There are about 55,000 Brits.


Do the math.




UPDATE, July 5, 2022:


In preparation for my exodus from Thailand, one of the things being sold off is my motorbike.


In Thailand you can't just buy or sell a motorbike, as you might in any normal country. You must effectively "apply for permission" (to either buy or sell). This means that you must amass a pile of documents, and submit them to Thai immigrations, specifying that you need a "certificate of residency" in order to be allowed to sell your own motorbike. One of the docs sometimes required is a lower level "certificate of residency" issued by your landlord. The landlord merely fills in your name, and prints it and hands it to you, and then you take that, with all the other documents, and submit them, and pay your fee (about $10us), and wait a few hours, and if you're lucky, you get the document. Both buyer AND seller must do this for the same transaction. take all that crap to their version of the DMV and begin filling out another whole set of documents. I've had this take 15 minutes and I've had it take 90 minutes and I never understood the discrepancy. Only then is the transaction allowed to go forward.


In any case I asked Robert (Bobby) Tillotson for the landlord's version of the certificate. He said no. I wouldn't need one. While it's true that you can often get by without one, in about 10-20% of my transactions they have refused to give me the actual, formal, government certificate of residence, until I presented the lower level document from a landlord, even if I had the lease with me. That means that if you're in the middle of this sale, it all comes to a screeching halt while you go back to the landlord and ask for his/her version of that certificate of residence document. But maybe they're out of town, maybe they're busy that day, maybe they're incompetent and can't operate a printer.


So how do you handle this situation? It's simple. To be SURE you can get the government certificate without any nonsense, you merely ask your landlord for his document, and then you take that AND your lease to Immigrations, and they absolutely WILL issue the proper certificate. No silliness. No delays. As I said, in 80-90% of cases they'll issue the certificate if you only have your lease, but in some cases, I think just to be obstinate, they won't, and it's extremely vexing. So, the answer is to just get the landlord's document ALSO. It's a very, very simple concept. And it's easy. And it can be done in about four minutes. I've been here ten years. I know how these things usually work, and then, how they "can" work. Better to just be prepared. Unfortunately, Robert Tillotson's brain, like the Grinch's heart, seems to be just six sizes too small to grasp this concept.


Documents required to go get a "permission to sell" a simple motorbike type of paper


I sent a message to Robert (Bobby) Tillotson asking for said document. Here's how that went:


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


I need a certificate of residency in order to sell my motorbike. Please send a PDF by Line. No comment. I’m far too enraged to be able to tolerate any interaction beyond that strictly required.


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


This is something you have to obtain from immigration yourself I can not do this for you.


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


And I have been denied if I showed up only with the rental contract. CC to website.


From Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


Allour other tenants we have on the books never seem to have the issue you are having.


To Robert (Bobby) Tillotson:


Yea they do. They just aren’t vocal about it.


And that was that. Tillotson steadfastly refused to supply the simple document, even thought it's a Gecko rental contract.


And that, the notion that no one complains in Thailand, is absolutely true. Thais, of course, will never, ever, ever complain about much of anything. They're bred and taught to keep their mouths shut. And farangs don't push back much because they're terrified of Thai immigrations and the Thai defamation laws.


It's interesting to note that Bobby (Digger) was told not to respond, but his punk smart-mouth simply couldn't resist. He has perhaps not spent enough time on the playground as a kid. Usually this smart-ass crap gets knocked out of little jackasses at a pretty early age and they think twice before inviting loose teeth again. But not Bobby. He hasn't learned that yet. I may have said this before: Robert (Bobby) Tillotson is showing the world what a fine, professional organization is Gecko Property Ltd. in Pattaya. This guy has only been there a few months. I hope he stays there for decades, because Gecko deserves him.


You can't publicly say what anyone has done to you in Thailand. That's why there are nothing but 5-star reviews for Gecko Properties in Pattaya. No one who lives in Thailand can say an even marginally derogatory thing about them, or anyone else, or the government, or they can be not only sued, but arrested and held in jail, and it happens many times, every single day in the Kingdom. If you want to know what people REALLY think of Jay Solomon or Bobby Tillotson or Gecko Properties in Pattaya, too bad. You'll never find a single thing, and so that rotten net just keeps on catching unsuspecting fish because no one is allowed to warn anyone else about them.


If you speak out, violent retaliation is also a very real possibility even beyond going to jail for it. And this goes for farangs and expats here as well. I KNOW a number of Jay's renters, and building staff, have had extreme problems with him, and the reputation of Gecko Properties also leaves much to be desired. But no one has stepped up to really take a hard line with them and call them out, BECAUSE THEY STILL HAVE TO LIVE HERE. I don't. And I happen to be well educated in the US First Amendment. I'm in a unique position to call bullshit on people and businesses here who get the idea over the years that they can shit on their customers with complete impunity, BECAUSE THEY CAN. Except for me.


Robert (Bobby) Tillotson has refused to supply the certificate of residence document. I do believe he is legally COMPELLED to provide it, but we're seeing what Gecko Properties is really made of. It may even be a minor criminal offense to refuse to provide it, but try and get that one prosecuted. Shouldn't it at least be entered into the Banglamung police records so they can know if there's a pattern of this? No. Their records are kept on sharpie-scrawled post-it notes for the most part. But think for a minute: Is this the kind of property management company YOU want to be renting from? Only a fool would.


I spent time on a US nuclear sub. The atmosphere was akin to the lobby of a high-end hotel. It was quiet and calm, subdued lighting, and both crew AND OFFICERS were polite to a fault. Everything was yes sir, no sir, thank you sir, I'll take care of it right away sir, and I've even heard officers say thank you. Honestly, that environment was a place I could live in!, and that's the idea. --Being couped up underwater in a space so small that the only privacy you get is to go sneak off to the forward torpedo room and sit back amid the endless sacks of produce hanging from the tubes. The idea is to keep any ambient stress levels as low as possible throughout the voyage (6 months or more) and that psychology works a long way in keeping the crews happy and willing to return for repeat duties.


Decades later I had occasion to be on a UK nuke sub. The decks were littered with wrappers and bits of food. The officers were surly and rude and overtly insulting -- but the crew was too, even back to the officers! They were snarky (like Tillotson) and loud and unhelpful and every third word was fuck. An officer might give them a command and they might simply turn and walk away sporting a disgusted expression. It was an environment I couldn't last in. It was a joke. Where is Robert (Bobby) Tillotson from?


I had trouble with other snarky little retorts from Robert (Bobby) Tillotson in the past but I let them roll off the chat, never suspecting I'd run into this big of a problem with these two shits, Robert (Bobby) Tillotson and Jay Allan Solomon. I wish I'd kept them. I gave Robert (Bobby) Tillotson the "raised eyebrows" response a couple of times for his snarky comments, but I let them slide. Now I see that is his unrelenting M.O. and, truthfully, his insults and rudeness and smart-mouth are what have been one of the driving forces of this website. Congrats Bobby -- you're doing your employer proud. YOU, Digger, are, in significant part, responsible for this page. Digger is an insulting little jackass, a proper mouthy British punk who thinks he is irreproachable, like trolls think they're in "protected space" when they set out to roam the Internet and interject their stupidity and meanness into the workings of Net society. And they ARE hard to find. But this guy ain't and he should know that. He's been warned multiple times to act professional, but he can NOT resist the snark. So be it. He is not invisible. He is not. The thing with too many Brits is, they seem to think they can act this way with impunity, that no one will bust their teeth out for it. They are dead wrong -- plenty will. I'll be 8000 miles away in a few days, but I'm betting there are others here who have just about the same view of Tillotson as I do, and I'm betting he'll meet up with the wrong ones eventually. It happens to all smart-mouth punks sooner or later.


But trolls tend to usually only partake of this kind of insult when they are pretty sure they are far enough away and behind enough barriers that no one will call in their hand. In this particular case, Robert (Bobby) Tillotson is correct, in a way. He won't lose any teeth over this particular little bout of assholish behavior. He'll lose much more as people come to see him for what he is and his employer for what it is in continuing his employment. Employees like Digger are what every bad business deserves. In any case, the main objective at this point is to simply vacate Thailand and deal with Robert (Bobby) Tillotson on this website and in other ways he can't even imagine yet. I don't need a stint in Thai jail, even though, at this point, that's pretty close to what would be considered the socially correct and responsible thing to do. Bobby seems intent on showing his bosses what a great ambassador he is for the firm. If they're willing to hire and maintain the employment of a smart-mouth punk, then what does that say about the owner and management? And when his new potential bosses Google him up after the interview, and he will have many in his life, will they be so quick to hire him on? If they do, they'll deserve him.


And Gecko contracted with Jay Allan Solomon; they deserve Jay Allan Solomon and as much as Jay complains about Gecko, he deserves them too. It's a match made in Heaven. If they haven't yet figured out what he is, they will.


Are all Brits this annoying? No, not all. It seems to depend largely on the region they come from, and the quality, or lack thereof, of their parents, and you can often predict what your experience is going to be with any Brit by their accent.


As I said, I accepted Jay's "generous offer" to live out August here, and he keeps the 25,000 baht half of the deposit. But I wonder how much he'll regret that deal in the future. I'm thinking, a lot..


Jay Allan Solomon has apparently refused and declined my generous offer to pay for his polygraph (no reply to the offer in twenty days). Just think, Jay Allan Solomon, had you taken (and passed) that polygraph, you'd be free to bad-mouth me forever and ever. I would truly be "the bad man" in this. I'd have no court case, no claim, no gripe, and no website would be possible. I couldn't even post this page without admitting you had passed a polygraph. You'd be in the clear! But you're a liar, Jay Allan Solomon, and a shyster and a scammer, and by refusing to take a prepaid polygraph, that pretty well cements the allegation.


Sorry guys, you don't lie to me and steal from me and scam me, and get away with it. This review will remain public for the rest of your lives. Wanna try to sue me? Please, I beg you, try.


I have a strong hunch that had I NOT been unlucky enough to stumble upon hands-down-his-pants Jay Solomon, and had I NOT been unlucky enough to have drawn Digger from Gecko as the property agent, I might have had a perfectly enjoyable experience in a new rental. But I wonder at a company that would hire and then maintain the employment of a smart-mouth punk, and I wonder at a company who would enter into any agreement with the likes of Jay Solomon, who bad-mouths them profusely at every opportunity. I don't know how long they've dealt with Jay -- maybe time will educate them. I think Bobby has only been with Gecko for a short time but I'm not yet sure (amazing what kind of records you can obtain in Thailand with the smallest amounts of Thai baht).


To reiterate, if you're looking at this company, remember this and remember it well:


NO ONE who has had trouble with Jay Solomon and/or Gecko and/or Robert (Digger) CAN EVER STATE THAT PUBLICLY, NOT EVEN IN A REVIEW SITE, AS LONG AS THEY LIVE IN THAILAND. They will go straight to jail. Go research the poor dumb bugger who booked a hotel through TripAdvisor. Here's a short clip from this guy's story:


American Wesley Barnes was facing up to two years in prison and spent two nights in a Thai jail after Sea View Resort in Koh Chang had him arrested over a negative TripAdvisor review, as Insider's Kelly McLaughlin previously reported.


Wesley did go to jail and was sued and was lucky as Hell to escape the country. For a hotel review! On TripAdvisor! He eventually got out of it by lying and saying that, after all, the hotel was a lovely place, or some damned thing like that. But this isn't just common here, it's the law of the land and is done every single day. If you want to check out a business before you get entangled with it in Thailand, forget it. You won't find a single negative comment ANYWHERE except from pissed off people who got screwed, then returned to the US, and wrote about it from there, and those are rare.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


This is why so many farang "businessmen", who've been run out of their own countries due to their bad behavior, even criminal activity, come to Thailand, where Silence is Golden. Silence doesn't even have to be paid for. The government will protect you for free, as a function of one of the dumbest laws in the entire world, no matter how putrid you are or how many people your company cheats, scams, steals from or commits crimes against. The thinking here is 180 degrees backwards in that regard, and that has added to my growing desire over the years to just get out. It's an insane asylum and a haven for the worst farang businesses in the world.


How can you possibly, possibly ever know if a business is good or bad in Thailand? You positively can not. You can't! It's completely and utterly impossible, at least not in any substantiative way. A business here in Thailand might be comprised of a drunken, LSD popping gaggle of machete-wielding farang pedophiles, BUT YOU WILL NEVER KNOW. Reviews on mainstream review sites operating in Thailand would never, ever allow a bad review because they can be held just as liable as the poster. The companies themselves (i.e. Gecko) hand-cull their reviews (most are likely fake anyway), and they only post the most glowing accounts.


I was a commercial fisherman for many years. Every once in awhile a net would break loose and go on walk-about and be lost forever. It became a bad and nasty thing, sitting down there on the bottom of the sea in the dark until the nylon webbing rotted away (100 years?), and what did it do all those years? It caught and killed unsuspecting fish. They died in the net. Rotted. Eventually broke apart. And that spot in the net was free to catch another and another and another and another forever. Why? Because there was no way to warn the fish away. If you're a bad business, come on down to Thailand. You'll be home free and almost completely untouchable.


So why WOULD a property management company team up with a someone like Jay Solomon? Either they don't know him yet, or their greed has surpassed their common sense (they're stoopid), or they have no business intelligence at all. There are no other answers.


Regarding the certificate of residency that Digger refused to supply, on this occasion we did not need the low-level certificate from the landlord, but it was just the luck of the draw. It depends on which office you go to, and who's on duty or who's at lunch or Who's On First-- and probably whether or not you smile at them and probably how good they think your Thai is, whether they think your shirt is acceptable, etc., and, honestly, many, many of these things depend on whether you bring a Thai with you. In any case, we got the document we needed, no thanks to Digger (Robert Tillotson from Gecko Properties in Pattaya, Thailand).


We are still waiting to hear back from the attorneys regarding what to do about Jay and Digger and Gecko Properties (Pattaya) and Jays lying misrepresentation of this property which will ultimately lead to his stealing 25,000 baht from us, because I want that 25,000 baht back and I'll spend 100,000 baht to get it. I suspect those attorneys will screw around so long that it all becomes moot and we just allow Jay to steal the thousand dollars and move away. What he and Digger don't seem to grasp, however, is that every time that lost and stolen $1000 is remembered, it will cause me to think up and implement a new method of exposing these two louts (the smart-mouth punk, Digger Bobby and the actual liar, Mr. Solomon), which will incidentally and completely by happenstance cost them business and reputation and money far in excess of the lousy grand. Are they penny wise but dollar stupid? Yes, that would be the phrase. I'll glean one Hell of a lot more satisfaction from costing them $50,000 in lost revenue, than from collecting the lousy thousand, and THAT is the gift that keeps on giving.


UPDATE: July 7, 2022:


Last to Bobby (second time accepting Jay's "generous offer"). I'm wondering if Bobby even forwards this stuff to Jay? I'm starting to think not:


Per Jay’s “generous offer” we will be here through August. Jay will keep the 25,000b deposit (for now). Of course he will then lose 10-100 times that in revenue lost as a result of the heavily promoted website but Jay isn’t bright enough to figure that out and that’s fine. Gecko will lose far more than that. I don’t have the time to drag this through a highly dubious court system here and will be out of the country anyway after we vacate. In the US or any other habitable country, you’d already have been served for fraud. Your final walk-through day can be any of the last three days in August. No need to schedule. We will be in and out but nothing will be locked. You shall NOT speak to either of us. To do so would be a grave mistake. I cannot stress that enough. Please try to grasp it. But I’m betting you will not be able to resist and the result will be on your head. Bobby I have warned you in the past to carefully consider your written snarky, insulting replies to me because they were all going public on your website. But you couldn’t help yourself and you persisted in showing the world what kind of man you were, and what kind of company Gecko Properties in Pattaya is. So be it. Now I encourage you to continue the rudeness and snark and unprofessionalism. I will dutifully add it all to your web page(s) because you deserve the publicity and your potential customers deserve the transparency and the opportunity to avoid you. So go for it, Bobby. Show us more of what makes you and your firm tick. Please, continue with your smart-mouth snark. Again, here’s your first URL: There will be other domains in the future for redundancy and more thorough coverage and a translation to Thai. I have 84 domains, 75 of which are currently unused. Time to put some to work. I suggest you deliver this to Jay in its entirety. He’ll see it in the website eventually anyway and wonder why you truncated it. There is no legitimate reason for you to respond to this. Line will show it has been read. But I’m sure you can’t stop yourself :-)


UPDATE July 10, 2022:


Jay never even attempted to fix the gate. This is typical Jay Solomon Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). I doubt he understands even now what the problem is because, like the Grinch, and Tillotson, his brain is simply six sizes too small.


The drunks opposite us now have a party nearly every single night. They open their gate (WHY?!) so any noise goes straight out to the two occupied homes opposite of them, and ours is the luckiest of the two (our neighbor gets the worst of it), and they sit around in lawn chairs and drink and hoot while the ladies beller and the kids scream and cry. They're not THAT loud. But they're annoying, and now they continue this almost every single night until perhaps 2 a.m. We use white-noise generators in the bedroom so we don't hear the outbursts as much. As I've said before, if this was the ONLY problem, we might try to work through it. But it's by a wide margin not the only problem [Update: By the end of July, this has quieted down significantly].


More cars parking and blocking our gate today, all from the family opposite. I finally got tired of hearing their engines rumble and opened the gate and stood and stared at them. They moved up to the loud house they were visiting, and blocked the soi there instead.


In the first week of September, 2022, or maybe much sooner, the lives of Jay (Shiron), and Bobby (Digger) and of the "corporate" heads at Gecko Property Management in Pattaya, Thailand, will begin to change. Within six months after that, they'll be wondering why they ever got involved with the likes of Jay Solomon or Robert Bobby Tillotson. Or....maybe not! Maybe they're just too fucking stupid to figure it out, and maybe that's a good thing. Bobby will eventually piss off more and more customers and the company's reputation will suffer from it, and that makes us feel warm and fuzzy.


Of course Shiron (Jay) and Digger will be on their very best behavior for awhile, struggling hard to show folks that this website about them couldn't be farther from the truth. But Jay can't keep from screwing things up for long, and Bobby's mouth will betray him always because it's in his DNA to smart-off to people when he thinks he's out of fist range. Sooner or later, they'll both revert to defaults: Incompetent and dishonest, and smart mouth and devious.


UPDATE July 18, 2022:


We heard back from our attorneys and their consensus was that:


(1) Jay rendered the lease null and void the first time he lied about the property


(2) Jay rendered the lease null and void the first time he refused to repair equipment and accessories that were part of the home and necessary to the comfortable operation of the home (gate).


(3) Such a verbal representation of the house and parking area was legally binding and became part of the overall agreement.


(4) As such, it was technically enforceable in Thai law.


The operative word here is "technically".


To try to use "the law" in almost any country these days, even the US, is often an exercise in futility, a fiasco in which only the attorneys win. But in Thailand, to prosecute it would take years.


I'm pasting in, below, today's bizarre developments with Bobby Tillotson of Gecko Properties, Pattaya, and Jay Solomon:


From Bobby, today, forwarding a message from Jay Solomon:



Back to Bobby Tillotson, Gecko Properties, Pattaya:


I received no email from Jay. I do not trust Jay to honor anything at all. I’m going to paste in his original offer which he seems to now want to change. This agreement, below, states clearly that half of the deposit will be used as the rent for August. You guys truly do not understand what’s coming your way once I’m out. You have no idea. According to the original message to me, below, the rent for August will be taken from the deposit. You cannot change the deal now.


Jay's original offer, tendered to us from Bobby Tillotson at the beginning of July, 2022:


"The deposit held is 50,000 baht Jay will allow you to use half of this to pay for the rent for the month of August and then you move out at the end of August after allowing us to do a final inspection, that leaves a fee of 25,000 baht remaining which Jay will keep."


See the actual screen-print below:


From Bobby:


As we have said many times we are just the middle man- trying to help you both to communicate the best you can- regards to the threats towards us please read up on the defamation laws here in Thailand.


Ah! So Bobby KNOWS they are screwing up, and they are beginning to become nervous that someone might find out about it (i.e. THE WORLD?), hence the reference to Thai defamation law. That's the old standby brick wall that protects all scurrilous businesses in Thailand, and Gecko is now trying to intimidate us by warning us about it. Fortunately, the US doesn't have such idiotic laws and that's where this website will be posted and hosted and it will remain in public view for the rest of Tillotson's natural life. They have been advised of this repeatedly, so why try to intimidate us with threats of Thai defamation law? Are they really that out of touch on this case? Seriously? Do they truly not understand how this will play out in their futures?


Let's look more closely at Tillotson's comment, "Please read up on the defamation laws in Thailand". This guy is showing us he's so far behind the power curve on this problem that we are becoming embarrassed for him. Explanation: I made the decision to leave Thailand the moment I first discovered that Jay Solomon had lied about this property. The sexpat mentality had reached a toxic level in my soul and I was done with this place. Thais hate, loathe and detest farangs now, BECAUSE OF THE SEXPATS AND THE WAY THEY ACT, and Jay has certainly done his part in that regard. And I don't blame the Thais. I, also, am profoundly embarrassed BY and FOR the farangs here, mostly the Brits. I can hardly stomach the sight of them anymore. I always tell Thais that in America, the people are about 50-50, good and bad, but in Thailand, the farangs are easily 99% bad and maybe even worse than that. It is exceedingly rare I meet a good or worthwhile farang in Thailand. I've met MAYBE three or four in ten years. The rest are write-offs in every way. I know of only a tiny handful of decent and worthwhile, honorable, honest, straightforward farangs who can stand to stay here indefinitely themselves because, basically, if you have ANY morality at all, if you cherish justice and truth and honor, this place will drive you out. I'll say it again: the Impossibility of Reason, and there is very little "reason" in SE Asia.


Jay's lies about this property were merely the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Enough is enough. Enough sleazy, slimy, revolting sexpats and their blatantly amoral behavior both in their personal lives and in their business lives. By God that's enough. At the moment I decided I was done with Thailand, a whole new array of opportunities opened up to me in terms to righting and exposing Jay Solomon's bullshit (and now Robert Tillotson's, and by extension, Gecko's bullshit, as well). If I am back in the US, I am free to use the US First Amendment to expose what Solomon, Tillotson and Gecko have done. While I'm in Thailand, I can't say a word, which is why there are no bad reviews for any of these people and that is the ONLY reason you won't find the Internet positively riddled with putrid reviews for these people. Thai law, for whatever bizarre and counterproductive reason, will bend over backwards to protect the scum -- and what does that get them? More scum who KNOW they can continue to scam with near total impunity.


[UPDATE: Amazingly, just a few short paragraphs above, I updated that the loud family across the soi had quieted down of late. I thought that was a positive development. I was wrong. As of this writing, nearly 01:00 am, the whole clan is out there, gate wide open, partying and hooting. We will have to start up the white noise generator to be able to sleep.] Thanks again, Jay.


But in the US, I am free to report. This website is hosted in the US, by a US citizen, and is protected under the US First Amendment. I am an expert in that area and I maintain a dedicated First Amendment attorney to keep me in the clear. Tillotson was made aware on more than one occasion that I would be leaving Thailand and that this website would be hosted and posted in the US and was fully protected under the US Constitution. He also knows full well neither he, Jay, or Gecko have been "threatened" with anything, yet he keeps trying to interject that into this case. There is no threat. I have stated a FACT that it will be posted. It's not a situation where, if you do this or don't do that, a website might be posted about you. There is no "if". It's a done deal. There is no threat, ONLY A PROMISE AND STATEMENT OF FACT. So knowing all that, Tillotson stupidly writes, "Please read up on the defamation laws in Thailand". And he thinks that warning will accomplish WHAT, exactly? Of course, being a quasi-scholar of the American First Amendment, I educated myself on Thailand's conspicuous, alarming and bizarre LACK of any First Amendment type laws within months of coming here a decade ago. That's why this website can't go live until I have left Thailand, which will be very, very soon (flight's already booked). But Tillotson still, for some bizarre reason, thinks that I would be intimidated by Thailand's defamation laws. That he would think this, shows me that he has not listened to nor understood one single damned thing that has ever been said to him. This tells me Robert Bobby Tillotson is nearly as stupid as Jay Allan Solomon, and, honestly, people this shockingly stupid are pretty-much all you will find here. They're the only ones who can "stick" here, almost exclusively. The decent people all leave after figuring this out and only the imbeciles, scammers, sexpot-sexpats, fools, thieves, idiots, fraudsters and criminals stay. Thailand is a gigantic sieve: It strains out the crap and keeps it. And why wouldn't the creep-factor stay? This is the first place in the world they have ever found where people are prevented BY LAW from revealing their shenanigans and misdeeds or even their outright crimes. It's win-win for the scammers and fraudsters! Thailand is their Heaven. The decent farangs residing in Thailand can be counted on one or two hands and even those tell me they think every day of leaving. Eventually, almost all of them do. Some just die. Only the scum stays in the bottom of the sieve.


Tillotson still, apparently, thinks I am as stupid as he is. I should read up on Thai defamation law? What an imbecile. Thai defamation law does not, I promise, count for more than one poop dropping from a sparrow in America. Yes, Thailand can struggle to block the domain, though they are only successful in about one in 10,000 cases where they try. But I have plenty of domains and it will become an all-consuming game of whack-a-mole for them, and each instance will only drive more popularity to the site. But they're welcome to waste time trying. These three freaks, Tillotson, Solomon and by extension the company that continues to employ Tillotson, Gecko, are free to go to the Thai courts and scream bloody murder for as long as they live. Thai law does not apply in America. So what is the point of Tillotson telling me to read up on Thai defamation law? It is merely to illustrate just how rank fucking stupid this man is and how he has failed to pay attention to this case and how he will probably never figure it out. We already knew Solomon's cranial cavity was empty except for a waste bin of used condoms and sex supplements. I honestly thought Tillotson was a better human being. Clearly, he is not. I thought Gecko was a better company. But by employing the likes of Tillotson, clearly it is not.


Honestly, all of SE Asia suffers from these same problems with idiot farangs. I've lived in most countries here -- only ten years in Thailand itself. I can't see myself ever returning to any SE Asian country. Thailand? Not in a million years. Maybe New Zealand, maybe Iceland, Canada (my favorite country), maybe even a few places in South America. Maybe Japan 6 months every year. Anywhere where there are no Goddamned sexpats.


To Bobby:


I am very well versed in Thai defamation law. You can sue me in the US. PLEASE.


From Bobby:


No body mentioned anyone sueing anyone- have a good day Sir we will communicate again come August.


I find it sadly amusing that once Bobby finally grasped that this was all going to end up in the public domain, he has made half-hearted attempts at being polite with "sir" and "have a nice day sir", etc.. Is he actually so damned stupid that he thinks this late-date faux courtesy is going to somehow redeem his putrid character as displayed up to this point? Yes, I think he is just that stupid. I thought he was a bit more evolved than that but once again, I am wrong.


To Bobby:


Per Jay’s own words, the august rent will be taken from the deposit.


From Bobby:


Have a good day Sir.


To Bobby:


We are going to the police today.


[In Thailand, it is often the normal procedure to establish a case with the local police before considering any other action. They typically sort of screen and moderate things, even before there is an actual problem. We are establishing the case with friends in the local precinct so when Jay Solomon and little smart-mouth Bobby come to try to evict us, the police will already be aware of the case. Unfortunately, I have a flight out on July 26 to go look at another country, so I won't be here for the "fun" part. But girlfriend will, and she's a force to be reckoned with. Jay and Digger (Bobby) will wish they had dealt with me instead. BTW, why did Bobby Tillotson end up with the nickname Digger? Because he so valiantly struggles to dig his own hole, and he (and Jay and Gecko) will fall into it no later than September 20, 2022. They'll have no understanding of how deep the hole is until probably mid to late winter of 2022/2023. The advertising of this website will be taking affect by then and the search engines will have propagated it. Imagine, all this could have been avoided by JUST BEING HONEST. But for this group, that ain't in the DNA.]


From Bobby:


May I ask for what reason have you been broken into or assaulted?May I ask for what reason have you been broken into or assaulted?


For Christ's sake man, learn some English!


To Bobby:


You have broken the agreement and are insinuating that you will attempt to evict us in August contrary to Jay's written offer. That’s enough. We’re done. Now we file with the police.


Finally my girlfriend, who had had way more than enough of Jay and Bobby's attempts at this scam, decided to chime in:


To Bobby:


Hello I am Thai lady. Can you read Thai? ฉันต้องการโทรเรียกตำรวจ?


From Bobby:


No- and no agreement has been broken- you are still in the house and no one has evicted you. I do not speak Thai- the mesages are just a waste of your time.


Ah, Robert Bobby Tillotson, ever the smart-mouth punk eh? He can't help it. He could have just said he didn't read Thai, sorry. But no, not our Bobby Tillotson. That would be too easy and way too polite and business-like. He MUST smart off. He MUST. Maybe Gecko will give him a raise after this? I'm betting they do. "...the mesages are just a waste of your time". Girlfriend was going to try to deescalate things a bit. But Bobby triggered her, as he probably does just about everyone in his life. Shove it up your ass you smart-mouth jackass.


To Bobby from girlfriend:


So we can stay to August?


From Bobby:


yes- as i said we are the middle men. What Jay decides to do in August is up to him not up to us Gecko properties.


To Bobby:


Him want we to pay more. But we not agree. We can talk not have him email. Okay if him want more money I ready to go police Today.


From Bobby:


I can only pass on messages he has sent i am not in control of what he says or decides. when did he ask for more money?


At this point I simply pasted in the very same thing Bobby had just sent to us, appearing to state that we could no longer use half of the deposit for the rent for August, but that we must now pay upfront for the month of August, and Jay would "pay us back" at the end of August. Of course such a notion is ludicrous. Jay is a liar and a scammer. It would be like trusting a shark with a hunk of meat (sure, I'll give it back to you in a month). It's so absurd as to be laughable. Here is Jay's "new deal", again:



To Bobby:


I suggest to have Jay rewrite this, above, to be crystal clear, because as it stands it looks like you’re demanding that we pay August upfront and Jay will refund it when we leave. Yeah, right. Less than zero trust there now. So make this clear. Do we stay in August and the rent is taken from the deposit, or is Jay trying to schlepp even more money from us on a lease that he broke when he lied about the property? Get it straight and articulate it clearly.


But of course Bobby couldn't be bothered to go to Jay and merely ask for clarification. Instead, he replied with the lunacy shown below:


From Bobby:


A written text mesaage is not a legal binding document i will await Jay's instructions come August, as of now no one is currently in breech of contract.


Bobby: Let's have a Goddamned lesson here. It goes like this: English sentences use little marks called PUNCTUATION. They can be commas, periods, etc., and other strange and wonderful things too. They have books about this. Most of us began reading those books in second or third grade. When you read those books you'll find those funny little marks in them, showing rules and explanations. They can make the text much more readable if you figure out what they mean and how to interpret them as you read to yourself aloud. And we use capital letters sometimes too. You can do this, Bobby. I'm sure of it. It takes time and practice. Try to get up to speed. (Regrettably my damned spell-checker caught and corrected most of Bobby's second-grade scrawlings before I caught it and stopped it. Too bad.).


Is the reader finally beginning to grasp the slipperiness of these people? FINALLY? A written text is not a legal binding contract. IT SURE AS HELL CAN BE!



BELOW: Even a VERBAL agreement can be enforceable and a WRITTEN agreement sure as HELL is around the world, and it can be in Thailand too:




To Bobby:


But you are suggesting we will be [in breech], on August first. We will go to the police at that time with Jay's written offer. I am updating your website at this moment.


From Bobby:


Please feel free to do so and again I wish you a good day.


Please feel free to do so -- I don't think Tillotson understands what he just said. But let's give it time and see! My God this man is stupid.


From Bobby AGAIN:


I am suggesting nothing I am just passing on messages once you are in breech of contract I will let you know.


This guy can NOT stop the comebacks, even if there is no point to them. It's in his DNA.


To Bobby:


You can NOT stop. It's a phenomenon! We already know we're not in breech of contract. Cease and desist contacting me until and unless you have something of substance to say. That's enough. Cease and desist.




So as of July 18, 2022, Jay Solomon has:


Lied blatantly and repeatedly about what this rental includes.


Refused to repair the unit as required.


Made a written offer to allow us to stay through August, using one half of the outrageous deposit as payment for that month.


Been made aware of my acceptance of that offer.


Then rescinded that offer, saying we must pay for August upfront, intimating that if we do not, we will be in breach of contract and will be evicted.


Have you ever, in your entire life, seen such a worthless piece of dog feces? There are a few worse scammy louts in the world, but honestly, not a lot. I've been literally around the world my entire life. I worked in Federal law enforcement in the US for years and some of those crooks are still in prison at my hands. I was captain of a rescue tugboat and commercial diver raising 131 shipwrecks and performing 321 shipping rescues for hire in the Northeast Pacific, including the rescue of the United States Coast Guard twice. I've been a commercial pilot, and I've owned large, successful Internet businesses (still own a piece of one). I've been forced to shoot two men on different occasions, both ruled justifiable. I've worked with every kind of human being on the planet and mostly have gotten along (ok ok, except for the ones I killed). I've seen some real bastards, some real shysters and liars and con-artists and scammers and --- but Jay Solomon is right up there near the top of the list. He's tied for first or second and that's saying a lot. What a slippery, dishonest, dishonorable, lying piece of worthless snake meat. It is really something to behold. And I consider Bobby Tillotson to be a Jay Solomon in the making. He's learning his trade well and he is, in my view, cut from the very same cloth. It's all about the scam.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


Current status:


As of July 21, 2022, we are packing and waiting to see what Digger and Shiron (I mean Bobby and Jay) decide to pull next. They have no legitimate reason to even talk to us until Aug 1. My guess is they will try to swoop down and evict girlfriend from the home. We'll just have to wait and see how that goes. I think on the last day of July I will send to Digger the following, just to let Jay know he's not going to get away with stealing from us as easily as he hopes:


Bobby, deliver this to Jay:


Jay Solomon:

Below is the offer Bobby says you sent to him. Honestly, I am beginning to wonder if Bobby is accurately relaying this information back and forth and I am beginning to wonder if, in some instances, he does not relay it at all. I consider him to be stunningly unprofessional. If this is not delivered to you verbatim, in its entirety, you'll sooner or later see it posted on your website and you can ask Bobby why it wasn't delivered to you. In any case, Tillotson claims these are your words, below, in quotes. You made an offer. We accepted that offer. Done deal. But then, later, you tried to rewrite that offer on an airy whim, to be much more favorable to you. Sorry, the buck stops here. I will not tolerate your dishonesty and scamminess (new word) any further. It was your lies and fraud that caused us to terminate this deal in the first place. You should be held accountable for all rents paid to date, plus the refund of the entire deposit, plus moving expenses in and out, plus time and trouble. You'll pay it eventually, but probably not directly to us. It will come out of your pocket in other ways. Don't worry; that'll come clear to you in time. In the US the suit would ask for punitive as well and we'd win it. In Thailand, the law is another story entirely, which is one of the reasons you're here: you can get away with so much more. Or can you? Let's find out together. In any case, you made an offer. We accepted after considerable thought. Now you want to try to change the deal. Sorry. No more. No more, Jay. This is the end of the line. We will stay in the home through August as you offered and as we agreed. We will not pay you another dime. We believe you are a scammer and a thief. We don't believe we would ever, ever get any money back from you no matter how many times you promised. Indeed, you have demonstrated clearly that you will try to change any deal you make. Your word is worthless. Your walk-through days can be any of the last four days in August. You will NOT speak to us. To do so would be a grave, grave mistake. As you offered and as we agreed, you will keep the 25,000 baht. That was the deal. Try to break it again at your peril. You can't just come along every week or two and make up a new deal, Jay. Sometimes people will stop you. On the one hand I'd like to conclude this mess smoothly at the end of August. On the other hand, I would dearly, dearly love to go to all-out, flat-out war with you for years and years to come. Everything on my end is primed and requires only a few mouse clicks to set in motion. Either way is fine. Your choice. No need to reply (please don't). We're sick to bloody death of you. We don't trust you and we would never again believe a word you said. We will wait to see what kind of counter-productive stunt you attempt in August and act accordingly on that. I have tried hard to give you a heads up on this -- you and Bobby both. I have tried and tried to let you know that actions beyond your wildest dreams will be undertaken the instant you try to come at us fraudulently again. Bobby doesn't begin to grasp that. I doubt you do either. But TRY. You've screwed us over enough. Try it again and we will stop you. It'll be eminently legal and eminently stunning to you. Here are your words, as represented by Bobby, taken directly from his chat to me:


"Okay- i have spoken with Jay Allan Solomon and there is an offer of a compromise as to save both parties going down the legal route and effectively costing you both possible legal fees- the compromise is as follows. The deposit held is 50,000 baht Jay Allan Solomon will allow you to use half of this to pay for the rent for the month of August and then you move out at the end of August after allowing us to do a final inspection, that leaves a fee of 25,000 baht remaining which Jay Allan Solomon will keep."


[UPDATE July 21, 2022]:


I am just now informed that Thailand has a law making the collection of more than one month's rent as a deposit, illegal. I'll be researching that once back in the US. I would be surprised if Thailand had enacted such a common sense law. I would not be surprised to learn that, if it exists, both Jay and Gecko knowingly broke that law. I see Solomon is quite active in rental forums in the region. I plan to become so as well.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


Note: I have delivered to Robert Tillotson and Gecko Properties, Pattaya, Thailand, on several occasions, the URL of the opening page to this website at That opening page will actually change its current content once this website goes into full production, publicly, but for the past month that has been the introduction page and Bobby has been made aware of it repeatedly. How much you want to bet he never bothered to forward that to Jay Solomon? Just a thought.


I'll be out of Thailand very shortly. Bags are packed. Taxi has been organized.


But what about Thailand? Won't I miss it?


I've traveled every inch of the place on or in every kind of conveyance and I've seen some lovely things. Moving things. The south has its charms. The north has it charms. Isaan has no charms at all. But honestly, not a lot of charms for either north or south, once you've done everything ten times in each region. Been there done that. It becomes like Chevy Chase at the Grand Canyon. Look over the edge. Nod. Get back in the car. It's a really small country and it gets smaller as you age.


What about the people? Out of the cities, Thais are pretty decent. Crooks? Violent types? Fear of being attacked? I had to shoot people on two occasions in the US (legally justified, don't worry). Plenty more deserved it. I never once felt the need to defend myself to anything even remotely approaching that level in Thailand. So the fact that "I" never "felt" that threat maybe just means I'm stupid and/or lucky. Plenty of farangs get murdered here.


I generally like Thais. I like them more than farangs by a wide margin. My Thai language skills were never up to snuff so I missed a lot of interaction with them, but I also experienced a lot. I liked them. I did. I just did. I just liked them. It's the farangs who ruin Thailand. It's the farangs who ruin Thailand. If I were King of Thailand I'd kick them the Hell out. Almost none of them bring anything of value to Thailand and the vast majority are a supreme detriment to Thailand and to Thais. Even their money upsets the system. Thailand sure as Hell doesn't need the Jay Solomons or Robert Tillotsons of Gecko Property Managements of the world; Thailand has enough problems without importing problems from other countries. Thais are better off to stay to themselves and work out their own problems. They should STUDY other cultures and learn about them, and take actions to emulate the good parts of other governments and systems and societies, and reject the bad parts of other societies, but they don't need idiot farangs in Thailand. Japanese in Thailand? Fine, if you can get past the rudeness. Mainland Chinese in Thailand? Not such a good deal. I will say that the THAI Chinese I dealt with in Thailand were not bad. I liked them more than the farangs, but then I like Cobras more than I like the farangs. Farangs are too far removed from Thai or any SE Asian culture to ever integrate seamlessly and the farangs you see in Thailand are almost exclusively the very worst of the worst, the dregs of western societies. If I were a friend to the King I'd be suggesting this every single day. What have a bunch of sexpats contributed to Thai society? Well, they built Pattaya, on the backs of the poor girls that they obnoxiously, wantonly, desperately fucked and then abandon -- but without them, the farangs, there is no Pattaya. So what has that accomplished for THAIS? Not much at all. Pattaya was once a peaceful fishing village. It should have stayed that way. Now it's an overflowing squat toilet.


The girls?


Nope. Won't miss the girls. Nope.


I do like the prices in Thailand, though many of them are now approaching western costs, and some are significantly higher. And the quality of goods is so far below anything I've ever encountered that I finally learned this lesson: DON'T BUY STUFF IN THAILAND.


Medical care? It's substandard, but in the better hospitals, not substandard by a lot. I once had an infection and went back to a regular licensed doctor (not a clinic nurse) again and again for months. The abs themselves were slowly killing me. Finally he called me in for "one last injection" (and said don't come back if it doesn't work)(literally, he said exactly that). He hit me in the ass with an equine syringe and pumped in about the volume of a frappe of some white gook. Hurt like hell! When it was done I asked him for the name of the antibiotic, so in case it worked, I'd have that in my notebook. He laughed and shrugged and said he didn't know; a friend had given it to him. Could have been frikkin' vanilla pudding.


The traffic? The drivers? Nope, I won't miss any of that. But I will say that about 85% of the problems I've had with really bad drivers has come from FARANGS, and not from Thais. In a weird and backwards sort of way, Thais are better drivers than farangs.


Will I miss the holidays? Nyet. There are too many.


So in the end, what will I miss? Sleazy, scamming landlords? Nope. The greasy sexpats? Fuck no. The drunks? The pedophiles? Would I miss a reeking septic tank full of the world's lowest class of farangs? Nope. I'm ecstatic to be leaving these losers behind. The Jay Solomons and Digger Tillotsons of the world own the sleazy hoods of Thailand now, and they're the ones who MADE them sleazy. What a pile of slippery, stinking turds, are the farangs in Thailand.


Will I miss the Brits? When I first came here I had no notion of the British whatsoever, except that brief stink in the UK nuke sub. Now, my opinion is forged in Titanium. There MUST be good Brits, right? There MUST be! But I met less than a baby's handful in Thailand.


Will I miss the New Yorkers here? I used to own a large online retail business. I still have a piece of it. After years of studying demographics and stats on sales vs problems, I realized that THE most problematic region in the entire world, for my global retail business, was Manhattan, New York. After due consideration I blocked all orders from Manhattan, and life became measurably sweeter. Not many New Yorkers here. But there are still too many here.


The Russians? Two decades ago I adopted the policy of never, ever, ever, never, under any circumstances whatsoever, allow any Russian into my compound, whatever or wherever that may be. When selling all my stuff to leave Thailand, I made an exception. Only one. A Russian man and wife came to look at a motorbike and computer. After mercilessly "Jewing" me down, they bought both. They needed to go into my office to print some transfer docs and I went with them. After the printing, the man asked me to show him something on a shelf. I did. The wife was doing something behind us. After they left I realized she had stolen a 36,000 baht camera lens. Will I miss the Russians? Give me access to "The Bomb" and see what happens. I'm bloody fucking sick of them. Show me a good one. Can you? No, I don't believe you can.


East Indians? You know, virtually everybody I know here hates them. Personally, I sort of like them. I've never had any trouble with them. But I have not heard one single positive "review" of East Indian males from one single lady in Thailand. Not one.


Americans, Canadians, the French, the Scots? They are what they are. I come from that stock. It's difficult for me to see them clearly or judge them, from the inside looking out. I THINK they're a better class here. I've never had trouble with ANYONE from ANY of those countries, here in Thailand, except the New York city tossers like Jay Solomon. But, admittedly, there are very few other Americans, Canadians, Scots, etc., here.


Germans? I've had NO good experiences with ANY German here, and I got tired of almost losing my lunch watching them pay for sexual favors in broad daylight on the family beaches of Thailand from very young Thai boys. I won't miss the Germans. I found them to be effeminate and dishonorable, but fussy and bitchy also, like cranky old women. What's the upside of Germans? I think they used to make good clocks. Anything else? Anything else?


Muslims? Not a lot here -- I have known two, a man and a woman, unrelated to each other. Both stole from me, right out of my home. Both. Large money items. That's the only experience I have with Muslims. It's two for two, in the dishonesty category.


The food? I'll miss the flavors but not the e. coli and salmonella and other crap. I was hospitalized many times for both, sometimes both together, because I loved, loved, loved that street food and I thought I would eventually build immunity. I didn't and for the most part, you can't. I once laid on a gurney in Bangkok hospital (a really, really nice place) for six hours because their food poisoning floor was FULL. The entire floor was FULL. I swore I was near death. The nurse said they had people in comas from food poisoning. The nurses see it all and they'll tell you in no uncertain terms DON'T EAT THE STREET FOOD. --Not unless the cook/seller is your mom, and maybe not even then. But that goes for ALL SE Asian countries. Except Singapore, and Hong Kong, and to a lesser degree, Malaysia.


Do the Asians get sick from mishandled food also? Yes, they do. They will tell you that they don't because, they say, "their stomachs are strong but farangs are weak". There's a small shred of fact in that -- Asians really do build up a small, small amount of immunity to bad food bugs by eating contaminated foods from birth, but, as I said, it's a small advantage. The fact is that my girlfriend gets food poisoning as much or more than me if we eat the same things in the same amounts. I swear she spends half her life running to the toilet but that's ok with her because she was born and raised with that standard and she thinks it's normal and you can NOT explain to her that this isn't normal in most other countries. She wonders why I am annoyed. Nowadays, I barely eat ANYTHING that's not packaged from the factories. Prepackaged. Sealed. Preferably frozen. I came to that same conclusion in Cambodia also.


I think the biggest annoyance about Thailand is that there is no true citizenship possible. Had there been, I would have tried harder to find ways to stay here, to help change the bullshit, and to ignore, to a degree, that which cannot be changed in this lifetime. But SE Asians don't want anything changed or improved or solved. For what? What would be the point in trying to help a Kingdom when you can never be a part of it? There's no point at all. What most expats don't grasp is that in Thailand, you are living under the Sword of Damocles, always. You can be deported at any moment, regardless of how established you are, even if you have a wife and family and business and homes and buildings (well, you can't actually own anything in any normal way) and have been here forty frikkin' years. It simply doesn't matter. You can and will be deported, even permanently, for the CRAZIEST of infractions. Can you buy your way out of such predicaments? Usually, but not always.


I had one friend who did go through all the unbelievable processes required to obtain "Permanent Residency", but it is NOT real "citizenship". It's better than any other visa, but it's still a PITA. But it's not real, bona fide citizenship. You can still have the rug jerked out from under you for anything the government deems. This guy said it took him five years to obtain that and the process was so absurd he would never do it again and when they did finally award it to him, he said he just plain didn't care. His attitude at the end was give it to me, or throw it in the trash, he didn't give a shit. He honestly didn't care. He said he almost threw it on the ground and stomped it and walked away. I've never known anyone to love Thailand more, yet that's what they drove him to to get that standing. It's easier now. But not enough easier to be worthwhile. For true citizenship? Sure. THAT would be worth fighting for. But not for so-called "permanent residency"; it's much a facade. He didn't care when he finally got it. It had taken that much out of him. Then of course he died of Covid, so, whatever.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


What wont I miss? Many, many things, but chief among them is Thailand's defamation laws. It states right in the law book, in cases of defamation, "The truth is no defense." Well, if it's TRUE, then it AIN'T DEFAMATION!


"What is an example of defamation? What Is Defamation? Defamation is a FALSE statement presented as a fact that causes injury or damage to the character of the person it is about."


It's like the fools who see a man being stabbed to death on the street and he's going down for the last time but he pulls a gun and kills his attacker. And the crowd calls him a vigilante. It's idiotic. He's NOT a vigilante and the man who speaks fact is not defaming. But Thailand says if it's true you are STILL defaming. THAT is the bizarre irrationality that will grate on you IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN. If not, then sit back at the pub and suck those suds until you stroke out and die.


If something is TRUE, then whether it makes the deed-doer look bad is absolutely immaterial. If people don't want other people knowing what bad deeds they did, then don't fucking do bad deeds. It seems our Mr. Tillotson has finally gleaned an idea that maybe his firm, Gecko, isn't so pure after all. So what does he do instead of standing up straight on his own two clickety-clack little cloven hooves? He could apologize. He could make things right financially. He could return stolen money. But no. He tries to intimidate me with threats of using Thailand's defamation laws. Go for it, ya smart mouth little twat, because that's how I've finally come to see this guy. Go for it and I hope you spend a lotta money trying. Ask Hewlett Packard how it worked out for them. I'll defend America's First Amendment with my life, literally. Others have, and that's why we still have it. I can also. It's the ONLY thing that keeps people accountable. Turn on the light and the cockroaches scurry. It's fun to watch.


Let's hit this again: Don't want people talking about your bad deeds? Don't do bad deeds. It's a simple, simple concept. But wow, does that logic piss them off when they're caught. The First Amendment is one of the very few points of logic and decency the United States has left. It still allows us to tell true things without fear of recriminations. It is the polar opposite to Thailand's head-in-the-sand approach to reality and that is a mind boggler. This is one very major reason Thailand is as thoroughly screwed up by the farangs as it is. There is no accountability! None. No one is allowed to call them out. It's all about "face". Thou shalt not cause another to "Lose Face", even if they deserve to lose face! Even if it's better for the community if they lose face and stop doing bad things because suddenly people know what they're up to. But Thailand will PUT YOU IN JAIL for this. That means, you can't call out the screw ups, the farang thieves and con-artists and scammers, the idiots, the jackasses, the pedophiles. Even when farangs are scamming Thais, which they do copiously and routinely, the Thai government STILL protects those miscreant, bamboozling farangs, and doesn't allow their own Thai people to expose them. THAT IS WRONG. If the government is going to allow the dregs of the western world to flood into Thailand and set up their shops almost with the premeditated intent of screwing over Thais, then the government ought to allow Thais to speak up loudly and clearly and publicly and warn their own countrymen of these vipers in the grass. Yes, Gecko Property rentals of Pattaya, Thailand, contracts mostly with farangs, but they also contract plenty with Thais. You've seen how Gecko has handled this case, and you've seen how it is being handled by me. How many Thais have the knowledge or wherewithal to stand up to an outfit like Gecko when they get shafted on a rental deal? Virtually none. To the Thai government I say this, and I am respectfully appealing directly to Prayuth and to the honorable King of Thailand, King Maha Vajiralongkorn: GIVE YOIUR PEOPLE THE FREEDOM TO CALL OUT AND EXPOSE THE BAD FARANG BUSINESSES that are figuratively raping them every single day through illegal, dishonorable business practices. Untie their hands so they can fight back against an invading scourge of farang scammers. Drastically rework your archaic defamation laws so your own people can fight bad farangs on a level playing field. AT LEAST ALLOW YOUR PEOPLE TO PUBLICLY REPORT WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM AT THE HANDS OF FARANGS. Please.


If they lie, then they can and should be punished. THAT is DEFAMATION. But if they simply tell the truth so that other Thais won't get caught in the farang mousetraps, PROTECT THEM! For God's sake these are your own people! The Truth is Sacred! Protect it! And protect the Thais who speak it!


Studies have shown the peer pressure is as effective, or more effective, as a deterrent to bad deeds and criminal behavior, as being put in jail for those bad deeds and criminal behavior. But Thailand circumvents ALL peer pressure with their defamation laws because no one can tell anyone else what the bad people are doing. So what incentive is there for the bad people to stop doing bad things? Well, there's the risk of being caught and incarcerated. But Thailand barely yet has the infrastructure to arrest and try and incarcerate all the dishonest farangs flooding back into Thailand. If the Thai law isn't in a position to protect its own people in this regard, then LET THE PEOPLE PROTECT THEMSELVES. I REALIZE I AM REPEATING MY MESSAGE BUT IT'S AN IMPORTANT ENOUGH MESSAGE TO WARRANT REPEATING. A whole lotta peer pressure is needed in Thailand TO MAKE BAD FARANGS AND THEIR BUSINESSES ACCOUNTABLE. I don't believe this healthy change will come about in Thailand in my lifetime, but I am free to leave, and I am. Fine and well -- "I" don't have to be here. But Solomon does. He can't survive anywhere else. Gecko does, because they're too invested. And Digger does because I suspect he has no place else to go.


But what if some friend wanted me to come with him and guide him around Thailand for a vacation? After all, I know every nook and cranny, every scam, every mousetrap (except the ones Gecko and Solomon used because I was frankly caught off guard by so much reprehensible behavior coming from MY OWN PEOPLE). I'd be an invaluable guide, what Myth Busters might expert. But if a friend asked me to do that, I'd tell them to choose a country that wasn't so dangerous. Dangerous? Like from robbers and bandits and rapists and murderers and lions and tigers oh my!? No. I mean that Thailand's complement of farang businesses is dangerous -- not ALL, but plenty. Probably most. They're scamming their own farangs as fast as they can, but also scamming Thais at an even greater rate. LET THAIS TALK ABOUT THAT! Let the Thai people TURN ON THE LIGHT so the world can see how these western businesses operate.


In my early days in Thailand, I could live with Thailand's foibles and quirks and relatively minor dangers and and hazards and annoyances. Thailand was like a house of mirrors in those days: weird, a little disconcerting, but fascinating. Now, due to too many farangs setting up bad businesses here, where they know they can scam and lie and hurt Thais with virtually impunity, it's like a house of booby trap grenades hidden behind every mirror. Bad farang businesses like Gecko Property Co. Ltd. have contributed to the bullshit in very, very big ways. They're just more leeches and Thailand doesn't need any. Not anymore is this a fun place except for the greasiest, hardest-core bleary-eyed staggering wanton panting drunken sexpats with pot bellies and gray pony tails and swollen legs and two year old motorcycle tattoos and calf shorts. And by the way, grease-pats, do you really not know that the Thais think you look absolutely ludicrous in your baggy half-calf Thailand shorts? That's for Thais, NOT YOU. Do you even have the faintest clue what the Thai bar girls say about you after they come back from your hotel? I guarantee, you do not. They relate opinions of you that would gag a maggot. Sometimes they cry. If they got your wallet or your watch, they laugh. I used to be horrified by that behavior. Now I encourage it. Greasy ancient rats like Solomon deserve no less.


What will happen to me as a result of this website?




I'll sleep better, knowing I helped some people avoid trouble.


I'll stay busy for many months setting up paid advertising regimens to make sure this ranks high in the search engines for years to come when people look for rentals in Pattaya. Staying busy is good. And this website will develop and evolve and improve over many years.


Gecko and Digger and sexpat Solomon will petition the Thai government to block any visa renewal I might ever attempt. Good for them. Rock on.


Gecko will try to sue for defamation in Thailand. Good for them. Spend all the money you can spare.


Gecko may win a judgment in Thailand. Good for them. Good money after bad. I'm delighted.


Solomon will scream NO! NO! None of it is true! That bastard (me) is Lying! Lying! Lying! He made it all up! But it's Solomon who refused my "generous offer" to pay for his polygraph. Solomon is more, more than welcome to come back and try to sue me in the US. Once again, ask Hewlett Packard how that worked out for them.


Digger --er, I mean, Tillotson, will whine and moan and fret and wring his pasty hands and work his punk's smart mouth and think about trying this and think about trying that and curse me and denounce me and badmouth me and lie about me and try to think up devious ways to get back at me. "Oh I fucking hate that guy!" Digger will lament. Good for him. I want to see him get ALL THREE of those little brain cells fired up, instead of only one. They need a workout.


All of these entities will try harder for awhile, maybe a year, to stand up and act right, because they'll feel they need to demonstrate that THEY are the nice people, not that bad man with the website. Go for it guys! The people win if you do that! But why couldn't you do it BEFORE this bomb dropped? Oh -- never occurred to you. I see. But make no mistake, they'll revert back to their scammy defaults in time, because that's who and what they are at their cores. A dog can't change its ears. No. Wait. A sexpat can't change hi-- No, that's not it either. You can take the girl out of the bar but you can never take the bar out of t-- Dammit! How does that go?! Oh yeah. A leopard can't change its spots.


Would any of these shits ever try to "send someone" after me? Oh I hope so! But they won't. So many tried that when I worked narcotics enforcement for the Feds several lifetimes ago. Some are STILL locked up and some are STILL dreaming of "getting at me" when they come out, forty years after the fact (homicides during drug deals, not mere drug deals). Good for them. I'm happy they have a purpose to keep them going in their stinky little sweat boxes. I swear, you can smell them coming a continent away. Does that strategy work both ways? I'm not sure.


Soon Thailand will be just a fading mist, dispersing in the contrail of my jet, and I'm very content with that. I have my photos, and memories, and scars and lessons and experiences and that's as close as I need to be to Thailand, ever again.


So.....what will I miss?




Can't think of anything.


Yeah. One thing. I'll miss being able to walk around at night without a gun -- can't do that in the US so I guess I need to play catch-up at the range.


I've done the SE Asia thing for ten years in Thailand and many more years in other areas like Cambodia, Singapore, the Ph, Lao, Vietnam, nearly all of them-- They're all different, yet all the same in so many ways. I do like Singapore but you'd be bored to tears there. I liked Hong Kong until China stole it. I won't be back to this region. Not in this lifetime. Enough's enough. The Thais didn't drive me out. The Thais welcomed me and helped me and nurtured me and to varying degrees, offered me their very hearts and souls. It's the fucking white man that drove me out, as they drive out so, so, so many in SE Asia. It's time to depart instead of ending up in a Thai prison for the crime of cleaning out some of the black fungus that has crept into the Kingdom, from the lands of my own people. Thailand would be better off for my efforts, but Thailand would be duty-bound to punish me for it. I can take care of this one with logic and truth and words, in any case, so it's better to settle it that way, unless some other method becomes necessary.


For the rest of my life I'll travel light and I'll never own so much that I can't stuff it all into two bags for a flight. For the rest of my life I'll be a little better prepared to see the Jay Solomons of the world coming, and to step out of their path. The lesson? Don't coddle fools. Don't suffer them. No need to be nice to them. Go around them, or under them, or over them, or through them if you must, but get them in the mirror. I so stupidly thought I was being what Jesus might want me to be by struggling so fucking hard to tolerate this embarrassing, mentally handicapped dumb-ass, Solomon. I've learned that lesson now. I won't waste the time or courtesy again on people at that level. Better to have listened to Buddha. Or the Great Pumpkin (my personal favorite).


I'm going back into aviation for awhile -- some planes I have yet to fly and for some odd reason I find myself keenly interested in extreme, extreme long distance flights in single-engine aircraft. No idea where that compulsion comes from but it sounds fun. Then off to some other adventure. Maybe back to Alaska. maybe Hawaii. Maybe Greenland. It's really really cold there, unlike Iceland. Go figure. But for now it's enough to just be free of a land that protects western scammers. There's plenty of insanity all around the world. I'm just ready for a different flavor of it.


I'll be Jay Solomon's mortal enemy for the rest of my life and beyond (this website will go for most of the lifespans of his children. Maybe they'll look him up someday to see if papa is famous?) That I am Jay's enemy is an absolute fact. I have three. Jay is the fourth. Congrats Jay! You're special, but you always knew that because your mommy told you every single day, didn't she? Precious little kitten. I will never, ever tire of warning others about his despicable behavior. He took my trust and my patience and stomped them completely to death. Jay Solomon is a bold-faced liar and a scam artist and I put Gecko in that same over-full litter box right behind him. Every society deserves to know what monsters and booby-traps lurk in its shadows. How do you chase away a cockroach? Turn on the light.





We were unaware of this until just now, and this does not bode well at all for these scamming twits. It seems the Thai government is, finally, as full to the gullet of these greedy, money-humping farang creeps, as are everyone else and they deserve my profound and heartfelt admiration for enacting these new (2018) laws, that I was totally unaware of. NOW USE THEM, THAILAND! This is an eminently intelligent piece of legislation (below). If Prayuth was responsible for that, then I owe him respect. Honestly, I didn't think Thailand had this in it. I truly did not.


The law, below, seems to have been established law in Thailand since 2018. I need to confirm it and if true (now confirmed), I will file criminal charges against Jay Solomon, Robert Bobby Tillotson, and Gecko Property management. It can all be handled from the US. If true, I think the proper course would be to obtain copies of every rental contract Gecko has entered into since 2018 (in the US you'd just subpoena them and that's a snap but we'll see what Thailand can offer in the phase of "discovery"), and have them prosecuted for each and every instance, and to refund any amounts they stole FROM ANYONE, Thai or farang, over the past four years. If this reported law is true, this will be a lot of fun! Click the image for more, or click this for EVEN MORE!


Solomon and Gecko -- READ AND LEARN, you embarrassing morons





Landlords can now go to jail in Thailand


Excerpted from above:


“These new laws are done to protect tenants,” said Wirot Poonsuwan, a lawyer with a background in land rights. “On the other hand, landlords will now have their work cut out for them.”

One major change is that long-term leases can be terminated with 30-days notice provided tenants are current on their rent and give “reasonable” cause. That should make things easier for the nearly 20,000 members of the Take Over My Lease group on Facebook.


Excerpted from above:


"Note that while the regulations apply to a “residential lease business” – meaning landlords who rent out a total of five or more residential units – that doesn’t make much difference as a great number of landlords in Thailand lease out more than five properties. The regulations don’t cover dormitories or hotels, which are beholden to separate laws.

Only Two Months Up Front

Landlords can no longer demand advance security deposits of three months’ rent plus a full month in (for a total of four months) on signing a new apartment or house lease. The maximum security deposit warranted is one month, plus another one month’s rent payable in advance, amounting to two months’ worth.

And this is applied retroactively, meaning anything over two month’s worth must be returned.

That means while lessers are rushing to draft new compliant leases, they also must refund the lessee for the security deposits and advance rent charged in excess of what the law now allows."


Excerpted from above:


Tenants may contact the Consumer Protection Board about their landlords by calling 02-141-3437. Property owners can contact the same Board’s Contracts Committee at 02-143-9767 to get help reviewing their contracts to verify they are legally compliant.


[We've now begun the process through the above office]



To Bobby:



From Bobby:


Please forward all this to the owner we are just the middle men as I have said on numerous occasions.


To Bobby:


It's your contract with the Gecko name on it. You are the ones liable for criminal charges.


Bobby did not reply.


Gecko is a real class act. It's the continuing saga of dumb and dumber, Solomon and Tillotson, Digger and Shiron. I have finally now blocked this amazing blockhead. It's hard to imagine anyone being farther behind the power curve on a case than this idiot -- sorry, that's what he is: An idiot. There is no other word that comes to me. Fool? Dolt? Tosser? Oh let's not start calling NAMES now......


Below, the management crew at Gecko; we need to get above the "managing director". In an English-speaking country that's a four-second search. But I don't read Thai:



UPDATE July 22, 2022:


To (Managing Director)


(we'll pull the corporate records eventually to list all the principals):


Steve, It's time for you to step up on this matter as Tillotson's performance has been embarrassingly substandard. This is a dispute with Jay Solomon. We rented a home from Jay which he copiously and profoundly and loudly misrepresented. He lied. He also refused to perform repairs. This is well documented in a lengthy website which has not yet been released to the public. When we realized both of these things we gave 30 days notice to vacate, as Solomon had rendered the lease null and void on several fronts. There is a great deal to this (you can read the website for every detail when it goes live) but let's cut to the chase:


You (yes, you -- it's Gecko's contract) collected from us DOUBLE the amount of the first month's rent. That's a criminal offense since 2018.


We demand the refund of 50% of that deposit.


The attorneys are engaged now. 


I have no contact point with Solomon. He says he has emailed but I have received nothing and there are no blocks in my email database except for old Gecko spams.  Every single instance of contact with Tillotson is disastrous and embarrassingly stupid. 


Here's the bottom line: 


Failing a refund of 50% of the deposit plus our last month rent (total 50,000b) the lawsuit progresses and we will seek in the neighborhood of 400,000b for other damages. We will also seek criminal charges for each instance you have collected deposits illegally. 


That's it!


Have a nice day.



It could well turn out that this current strategy all comes to naught regarding "Thai Law". I've seen people try to apply "Thai Law" countless times and seldom, if ever, does it get actually applied. Solomon boasts that his partner in this home is second under the Attorney General of Thailand. Maybe so, maybe not. Everyone has "powerful friends" who turn out to be assistant janitors with a cousin who used to know a girl who dated the secretary of the county's assistant district attorney. But if Solomon's partner in this home really IS someone of significance in Thailand, I wonder how this friend will enjoy being embarrassed by the sexpat. When time allows, I'll pull the ownership docs on this place and post them right here, no names redacted. But even the attorney general himself does not control the US First Amendment, and that's where this will end up no matter what else happens.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.




We've been advised to go ahead and file criminal complaints now against all three in this unholy Trinity, meaning Solomon, Steve, and little Bobby smart mouth. No reason to put it off. Depending on what the police will accept, we will attempt to file three separate complaints. Gecko is on the contract -- it's their contract. Jay Solomon is the owner. And snotty little Bobby Tillotson is, I believe, the signatory, but I need to pull out the contract to confirm that. Hell, I'll post it right on this page. It could be that we can't come after Tillotson criminally if he didn't sign onto this nightmare of a contract, but there are other punishments for those involved merely in collusion of an act.


I'll be out of town for a few days so will try to see if the attorney can do it. If not, it will get dragged out through faxes and International mail, but it will get done, probably with the attorney's help. There needs to be a paper trail for these entities so that the authorities will have a background on them when the new complaints begin rolling in, and make no mistake, we will be "more than instrumental" in making sure the Pattaya public is made painfully aware of this issue, even retroactively since 2018 (four years) and we'll map out instructions for victims to follow in filing the criminal complaints for each and every instance in rectifying the situation and getting refunds. This law goes back to 2018. How many victims of Gecko do you think we can find? More than six? I think hundreds upon hundreds. Each one will be entitled to a criminal complaint even if they are now refunded. Refunding the proceeds from a bank robbery doesn't mean you're off the hook for robbing the bank. The money was illegally collected and illegally held, whether by Solomon, or Gecko and Bobby, or by a combination of that trio, and it's not only a civil matter, it's criminal with prison sentences waiting in the wings. What about Solomon? He has either 13 or 19 units (more than the five required to make him eligible for criminal prosecution). He's been collecting on these since 2018 and I'm betting he knew full-well all this time what he was doing. How many times has he "claimed" a unit had damage or other expenses and kept the entire double deposit because he knew the tenant was heading back to their home country and probably wouldn't challenge him, or because they were Thai and were intimidated and wouldn't challenge him? All through all those cases, Solomon must have hunched back in the shadows of his condo just rubbing those little claws together so fast they got hot, while counting his money. All of that should be subject to retroactive refunds. I swear to God, I will track those victims down all the way back to Germany and the UK and the US. There will be a paper trail and I'll follow it like a hound.


UPDATE, August 6, 2022:


As mentioned above, we finally came to find Robert Tillotson so smarmy and odious that we terminated our Line App connection to him. We simply couldn't stomach one more interaction with the idiot.


We then directed one last message, via email, to the "Director" of Gecko Property Management in Pattaya, Thailand, which is shown above. That communication spelled out the 2018 Thai laws preventing a landlord from doing exactly with Solomon did and, we believe, by extension, Gecko authorized and assisted in.


Clearly these people knew about the 2018 law. They HAD to.


We received an email back from this man:


Steve Scholey


Gecko Properties

Mobile: +66 (0) 846-564-846



Facebook: Steve Scholey


That email stated that the rental contract (with the Gecko logo on it!) was a perfectly legal contract, etc. etc. etc. and that they had brought their attorney on-board. Corporate types think this intimidates folks and, of course, it does -- it intimidates THAIS.


My response was, essentially, "Fine. Let's go to war."


The following day we received another communication from this man, saying Jay Allan Solomon had agreed to a deal which FOLLOWED THE LAW, in that we could stay in the home through August, 2022, and that half of the illegally collected "deposit" would be used to cover that month of rent. That left the matter of the 25,000 baht deposit (which was really only half of the deposit under the original illegal contract). Jay stated that any unused portion of that 25,000b hunk would be returned to us upon vacating the unit.

This was, as I've said, merely what Thai law FORCED him to do. We suggest that Gecko and Solomon had a quickie emergency pow-wow with their respective attorneys who told them to GET BACK TO THE LAW AND GIVE THESE PEOPLE WHAT THEY ARE ENTITLED TO. So that's what Jay was offering, as represented to us by Steve Scholey.


Imagine, all this fucking around, only to be told to get back in compliance with the law or face not only civil penalties, but JAIL TIME.


Scholey fast-tracked a new contract to reflect this change to conform with Thai law and sent that to us within hours.


We signed it and returned it; Jay signed it and returned it; it's a done deal.


The home is now almost empty. I have returned to the US and that's both a good thing and a bad thing for Jay Allan Solomon.


The bad thing is that this website continues, and the criminal complaints against him continue, and from here, in the US, I am in a much better position to get the SEO done on this page, and to get the advertising regimens set up and running, and get a mass mailer geared up with messages instructing Gecko's and Solomon's tenants and building managers where these people MIGHT be doing rental business, where to find critical information about how to protect themselves from scammers and criminals who will try to skirt and ignore Thai renter's law. The website should be fully propagated by the end of, say, October -- just in time for Gecko's "high season" of drunk farang sexpats flooding into Pattaya, all Googling for rentals and agencies to handle those rentals. It's good timing. This page will go public either a few days before the end of this month (August, 2022), or possibly it will be delayed until September 20th. There are considerations to either release date.


My Thai girlfriend is in the home at present. She has power of attorney. She has alerted friends in the Nongprue police department of this entire fiasco, including the notion that Solomon, and/or Gecko, may STILL show up and try to illegally, physically remove her from the home, so that Jay can enjoy double-rent on some portion of August. Obviously I've already paid for August, but Jay is chomping at his little pony bit to see if he can find some way, any method at all, of getting another tenant in there before the end of August, thereby receiving double rent. Yep -- that's our Jay.


Solomon has called the pool man incessantly, whining in a sniveley little ferret's voice, asking the pool man (THE POOL MAN!) to travel to this home to see if "I" am still there. He seems to have also asked various neighbors to walk over and try to peer through any cracks in the gate. I did say Jay was a real class act and I meant it. For Christ's sake, Jay, you Goddamned spineless fucking reptile, get in your fucking car, drive over to the home, ring the doorbell, and find the balls to stand there long enough to SEE WHAT HAPPENS. I think your shenanigan on the bed (our bed at that time), put girlfriend off enough that she's probably ready to just flat-out unload on you. She's small, but she's wiry, and she's Thai, and she's profoundly disgusted by you. Try to grow a Goddamned testicle, Solomon, and stop pestering everyone in the area with your whiny, pathetic requests and try to stand up for one fucking moment on your little cloven hooves and just ring the doorbell and see what happens. But that's not the Solomon way, is it, Jay -- and it never has been.


Jay has passed word through Gecko that he wants us to pay up all utility bills, and he will refund that at the end of the month.




He also wants the home clean.




I have instructed girlfriend to leave it as is, and I suspect it will be somewhat hideous.


Solomon wants to bring prospective tenants over. Sure Jay! More than welcome. We'll be happy as clams to invite them in, and give them the URL to this website, and tell them what a fine job you and Gecko have done administrating this home. Bring 'em, Jay. Bring them all, right now. All your tenants are going to receive copies of this website anyway, in time. Let's get it started RIGHT NOW .


These items will be taken out of the 25,000b deposit:


Electricity for July.


Electricity for August.


Water for August.


A bed topper ruined by Thai kids eating on it (the very same one we found Jay stretched out on, with his pants unzipped, hand inside them, staring at his cell phone). Did I say class act? I think I mentioned it.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


He will have to repaint an area of half a square meter on the office wall where Jay's own $3 Chinese swivel chair rubbed against it and left black marks. That's technically my fault -- I should have retired Jay's chair, bought a real chair, repainted the wall, and taken steps to protect it in the future. I asked Jay repeatedly, again and again and again for the color code of the paint. Jay assured me he had it and promised repeatedly to send it. But he could never find the time to actually send it. Typical Jay. Just too many young girls, we might presume.


There is no other damage that I am aware of, but then I haven't been there in nearly a month.


The keys are being left with the pool man.


The amount to be used out of the deposit will be roughly in the neighborhood of 16,000 baht. That leaves roughly 9000 baht to be returned. Both Jay and Gecko have been supplied my banking data. Let's start a poll here, shall we, to see how many people think ANY of that unused deposit will ever be returned. Care to hazard a guess? One baht, you say? I think that's highly optimistic. No baht will ever be forthcoming, and that will propel me forward and onward with even greater resolve.


So that leads us to THIS:


We believe that Jay's lies, frauds and scams, together with Digger's pathetic obfuscation, insults and punk's demeanor, have cost us mightily, both in terms of outright expenses (move-in, move-out, etc.), and punitively for the horrendous amount of stress this has placed us under.


We want a bare minimum of 400,000 baht in compensation.


This mutherfucking sexpat has, I'm sure, been pulling this kind of crap for as long as TWO DECADES HERE, and it's time he was stopped cold in his tracks.


Once life settles down a bit, we will begin the process of attempting to sue Solomon, and Gecko, for that sum, at least.


But wait!


What about this website?!


It's illegal in Thailand. Had I posted it from Thailand, I'd be subject to arrest. Imagine, just illuminating the putrid deeds of bad people lands THE VICTIM of those deeds in jail, while the perpetrator(s) of those deeds are free to go right on scamming, lying and stealing, protected in the shadows by the Thai government. That ain't right. But that is Thailand, and that's why dishonest businesses are flocking to the Kingdom.


So this puts it all in a quandary, right? If we post this site before suing them, our suit will go nowhere, cause of the illegality of this website.


On the other hand, if we sue them first, it will certainly drag out for years, and during that time, the site can't go public, and that robs Thailand of the benefit of knowing about these scoundrels.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


Oh, what to do!


An award of 400,000 baht would be nice. It could give us a mini-vacation to try to rub off some of the cow shit Jay and Gecko threw at us over the last couple of months. We would feel monetarily compensated by that. But 400,000 baht is actually only about $12,000 -- hardly a gigantic or life-changing sum. It's just loose change. Even 400,000 baht isn't worth keeping the Kingdom, and the world, in the dark about these worthless fools.


I say we tell them to stuff the twelve grand up their hairy asses -- after all, Solomon presents his proudly, every time he bends over. He should be able to find it with a stack of American bills.


And I say we go full speed ahead with the website. In the US we'd simply take them to Small Claims Court, and it would be done in two weeks, and THEN we'd post this site. I've never lost a case there. But in Thailand, it would have to go through a law firm, and that WOULD take years.


So let's just go to war.


This site will post either at the end of August, or on about September 20th, 2022. As it stands this page represents about 1/5th of the material to be presented. I had wanted it completed before release, but I will simply have to keep adding data as I can find the time. This process will take 6-18 months. In the meantime, I'll dedicate $1000us per month to a series of ad campaigns to put this near the top of any search engine results for "rent condo Pattaya", and "Jay Solomon landlord", and "how to find a good rental agency in Pattaya", and "Gecko Properties Pattaya", and "Robert Bobby Tillotson", and about 60 other key phrases that will bring prospective renters to this website. If gets blocked in Thailand, I have 75 more domains to move it to. I can even set them up such that the alternate domains kick in within seconds of being blocked in Thailand. Time will tell what strategy works best.


In about two weeks I'll send one last message from a blind box email account, to everyone at Gecko, and to Solomon, and all incoming from any of them will be effectively blocked. I'm done talking to or hearing from the scum of the earth. Now it's MY TURN to speak. That message will contain a PDF attachment which is a copy of this as yet unpublished website. And at that point my interaction with these stupid scammy fucks is done. They can simply Google themselves to know when the site has launched.


I really, REALLY hate liars, scammers, thieves, smart-mouth punks.


Did I say I really hate liars and scammers and pun---


Yes, I said that already.


But, dear reader, you cannot POSSIBLY know how much.


This crew is right on the cusp of finding out.






It occurs to me that landlords have become nothing more than animal trappers. Maybe they always were, but they are becoming more and more sophisticated about it. As victims, people and governments struggle to enact legislation that will force landlords to just make normal and productive, honest and honorable deals with tenants, those landlords work harder and harder to circumvent those measures that work to make things fair. It's as if landlords have something in the DNA that screams NO! WE WILL NEVER MAKE A STRAIGHT-UP FAIR AND EQUITABLE DEAL! NEVER! THAT WOULD BE STUPID!


Because a fair and equitable deal is, well, it's just too awful to consider. They seem to say, "WHAT!? You mean you want us to only profit normally and fairly from a renter? Oh screw THAT! No, we're in this to rip and gouge and scam and snatch and bamboozle and lie and to scrape every ounce of cash we can out of every single deal, and to Hell with whether it's legal or fair. Show us a law intended to protect the renter and we'll show you a way to get around it." the "Landlord's Creed". I know, because I was a landlord for decades in the US. I saw a million ways to stick it to tenants, but to my credit I never engaged in a single one of them and I still made money.


I had one honest landlord in my decade in Thailand, and he was a prince. He was a Brit, one of the very, very few good ones I ever met. ONE. Jay Allan Solomon is the polar opposite of that man.


I think Jay Allan Solomon has been honing his skills of dishonesty for many decades. The animal trapper provides the bait, and hopes to hook and ensnare the victim with cleverly worded contracts and flowery promises of what they'll fix and maintain and then, when you've stepped into that trap, they're nowhere to be found except in bed with some 18 year old hooker.


What part does the "property rental agent" (like Gecko) play in this grisly scenario? Two things: They herd and funnel and entice the animals to the trap, and they make the bait look a lot more attractive than it really is. Often enough they simply LIE, as did Jay Solomon. This, they figure, entitles them to an almost never-ending piece of both the renter, and the landlord. They are parasites. The landlords are the animal trappers, and the agents are the worms that feed on them both.


With regard to Solomon's database of owned properties, obtaining that is a snap. I'll publish it right here in time, and about every nine months each and every renter will receive a copy of this website.


With regard to a database of Gecko's represented properties, that will be significantly more difficult. The list exists in their files of course, but probably only there. I'll make a straight-up standing offer right here and now: I'll pay $1000usd for a copy of that database. It's a sort of "living document", because it changes daily, hourly, but it will be somewhat useful for, say, a couple of years. If I can't obtain that list, I'll simply do a mass mailing to every single condo and apartment building in greater Pattaya, revealing the URL of this website to those managers. In that way, a great many of Gecko's "customers" (victims) will be made aware of this fiasco, but not all, because that mailing will miss the individual home residences they represent. There is another, somewhat labor-intensive way to fill in that gap as well. If need be, I'll resort to that. Contrary to what Thai law currently thinks, PEOPLE REALLY DO HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHERE, IN THE DEEP LUSH GRASS, THE VIPERS LAY IN WAIT. I'm hoping Thai legislators will wake up and give their people the tools they need to be an effective force in protecting their own people from bad farang behavior.


The Thai population has a RIGHT to be protected from shysters like these, and because, clearly, Thai renter's law is being ignored by many or most landlords, the Thai population must be given the tools with which to protect themselves. That means, Thai government, that your defamation laws need a total rework so that Thais are allowed to, and encouraged to, PUBLICLY STATE TRUTHS AND OPINIONS about the behavior of farangs (i.e. the invading species) that effect their lives. It doesn't mean they have the right to lie -- they don't. But they MUST have the right to call out loudly and clearly, "Hey! Look! Right over there in the grass! There's a spitting Cobra! It just bit my child! Don't walk that way!" THAT is what a "bad review" (this website) accomplishes FOR THE PEOPLE. Without this website, how many unsuspecting victims will keep right on walking past the likes of the Jay Solomons, Gecko Property Managements, and Bobby Tillotsons of the world, never suspecting they are dangerous UNTIL THEY ARE BITTEN.


The Thai government is taking BOTH arms of its own people and tying them behind the backs of every citizen, and then strapping on a blindfold, and finally a muzzle, and, in effect, telling the scammy farang businesses to go ahead -- we've neutralized these victims for you. Have at it. They can't hurt you now. Hell, they can't even TALK about the things you've done or are about to do, so, there ya go, farangs. Screw our people at your whim. There's nothing they can do. The current Thai defamation laws prevent the unwary victim from a., SEEING the threat, and b., REACTING to the threat, and c., WARNING OTHERS of the threat. If Thailand wants to evolve and be a fairer and better place, it must unshackle, un-blind, and most importantly, un-muzzle its people. Let them yell out SNAKE when they see a snake. For God's sake this is so elementary. How can it not be obvious!


Yes, yes, I understand the concept of "Face". A GOOD man, woman, or business, does NOT deserve to "lose face" and I will work tirelessly to protect GOOD people from LYING people. If they've done nothing wrong, then protect them from DEFAMATION. But if they HAVE done something wrong, paint them neon glowing orange from head to toe and light them up like ocean beacons on a reef, so people will know to avoid them. But bad people and bad businesses DON'T HAVE ANY FACE IN THE FIRST PLACE. They can't lose something they never earned and don't have. The rapist, the pedophile, the drug dealer, the pick-pocket, the child killer.....THEY DON'T HAVE ANY FACE. You can't take something away that an entity doesn't have. Bad people and bad businesses SHOULD be made to feel public embarrassment. It's just peer pressure, and is at least as effective as incarceration, according to major scientific studies. If people don't want the public to know about their shitty deeds, then, uh, well, let's see -- what could they do? Hands please? Oh! There! The skinny little girl in the second row with glasses and freckles -- what's your suggestion? The fourth grader stands up beside her desk and trembles slightly, then finds her voice: "Well, I was just thinking, you know. I'm just saying. If people don't want the world to know about the terrible things they do, well, you know, maybe they could NOT DO TERRIBLE THINGS?" She looks around self-consciously and sits down quickly. But the class erupts in applause.


How heinously the Thai people suffer at the hands of BAD FARANGS. Most farangs in Thailand see the Thai people as marks, victims, people to be fleeced and taken advantage of and they become bold at it BECAUSE THE THAIS ARE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO STATE PUBLICLY WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM. The farang businesses know this and they love it. That's why many or most set up shop in Thailand. Look at little Bobby Tillotson's own verbatim threat to me, trying to back me down by invoking Thailand's defamation laws. If he wasn't doing anything wrong, why would he be afraid I would talk about it? Thailand, GET THEM GONE. Kick out the sexpats, the drunks, the thieves, shysters, scammers, rapists, the bad businesses -- purge your country of the people who drag you down. You owe it to your people. But if you're not willing to do that, AT LEAST ALLOW YOUR CITIZENRY TO POINT OUT THE DIRTBAGS! Thai people have enough of an uphill battle in life without allowing a preponderance of truly shitty farangs dragging them back into the swamp of feces every time they crawl a few inches up the bank toward dry ground. Just get the farangs gone. If you MUST have their tourist dollars, fine. Limit ALL Visas to 60 days. Do NOT allow these shits to establish themselves or build scammy businesses. Let them in on VERY short term visas, take all the money they're willing to give your people, and then GET THEM GONE. No Goddamned visa runs. I'm not even in favor of retirement visas unless the farang is EXTREMELY well vetted. Now there is no vetting at all.


I know the current King is not a fan of sexpats and rude, condescending, insulting, violent, sloppy-drunk farangs, and that shows his very good taste. Decent, honest farangs don't even like the 98% crowd of farangs in Thailand. NO ONE DOES. My suggestion would be to allow NO farang businesses. They contribute NOTHING to THAIS or Thailand. They cater only unto themselves and as we've seen here, they can't even do that honorably.


It occurs to me, at this moment, that there may be a place on one of my domains for a forum, open only to Thais, which would serve as a public podium for Thais speaking out against or about bad farangs and bad farang businesses in Thailand. As it stands, if a Thai gets screwed by a farang or farang business, s/he has NO RECOURSE AT ALL. Oh, the law? Thai law enforcement is so poorly funded and understaffed that they barely have time to investigate and prosecute even the worst offenders. If the likes of Gecko Property management in Pattaya, or a landlord they represent and protect, steals from a Thai -- and Thais are increasingly able to afford the kinds of homes Gecko represents -- then what can the wronged Thai do? Well, they can go hack up the thief with a machete, and while that might be an eminently proper thing to do for the good of the community, Thai authorities WOULD find the time to prosecute THEM, so that option is effectively off the table.


But they could take the farang to civil court, right? No, because the farang will have vastly more money to invest in attorneys, and they'll just slip a few hundred thousand baht to a corrupt official anyway, if the case begins to go against them, so Thais cannot really find any relief in criminal law enforcement OR civil law enforcement. So what do the Thais typically do? They just quietly lose. They suffer in silence, because Thais are accustomed to suffering. The Thais suffer and the farangs profit, and ever it was thus.


But they can at least speak out about the skulduggery of the farangs, right? NO! That's what this website is about!


But "I" can speak out because I have returned to a country that learned all these lessons hundreds of years ago and enacted the strongest possible laws to ensure everyone's right to publicly state TRUTHS AND OPINIONS and to be absolutely, positively protected by any rotten apples and comers who don't like being exposed. America's First Amendment was it's FIRST Amendment. That's how powerful it is.


I'll think hard about setting up a domain for the purpose of allowing a forum for Thais to speak out publicly about the terrible ways farangs screw them over in Thailand. I will NOT become involved in Thai on Thai disputes. Those are exclusively the domain of THAIS and I have no business interjecting myself into those or even providing a platform for them. But I DO have an interest, a right, and an obligation to help Thais air out their problems with farangs, because I am one, and to some degree, I bear responsibility for the horrific deeds of my fellow people. I would have stayed in Thailand forever, had it not been for bad farangs. Solomon, Gecko and Tillotson were just the most recent stinky rags I crossed paths with, and they are some of the worst. But still, fully 98% of the farangs I encountered in Thailand built up a toxic effect in my soul and I simply needed to escape them. Many, many, many decent farangs come to this same conclusions and depart SE Asia forever, and some write books about it. The problem with Thailand isn't Thais at all, it's foreigners! Too bad the Thais can't escape them and I am truly sorry for that. The Thais must suffer these fools, apparently forever.


I don't have to.


And I am far and vastly a more powerful force against the bad farangs, working from my own country. I couldn't even point them out from Thailand. Now I can light them up like blazing Christmas trees and that's a bit poetic. Dirt-bag farangs convinced me to leave Thailand, and what they've accomplished is to provide for me a platform from which I can expose them dramatically. Aren't they smart.


A living forum as a destination for Farang/Thai problems would need to be hosted and posted from the USA. Ok, done deal. I have 75 domains to choose from. It would have to absolutely protect the identities of the complaining Thais. Ok, that can be arranged. The Thai government thinks it can track and trace all contributors to any website from within Thailand. No, they cannot, if the route is set up properly. And there is no law in the world that could force me to divulge the IPs of my Thai visitors and contributors to the website. In effect, badly wronged Thais would enjoy the free speech protections of the United States.


The language is a problem, because each contribution would need to be vetted by reading and understanding the Thai language. I always expected the disgusting, revolting, shit-hole farangs would one day drive me from Thailand, so I never became fluent in writing or reading Thai. And Google translate is a bad joke. Such a public forum could not allow threats of violence and would have to be continuously monitored. It would be a semi-formidable task, but certainly doable. There are plenty of big-name forums where drunk farangs go to bash, usually, each other and the Thai governmentand monarchy, but those are, as well, highly monitored and ANY comment that even APPROACHES a Thai law no-no will be instantly culled by moderators. But they cull comments that are considered actionable BY THAI LAW, not their own laws. I am not bound by Thai law now (thanks Gecko and Solomon for the freedom you have given to me), and even if Thailand blocks the domain, I would have 74 more to instantly switch it to. Why would Thailand block a domain that ONLY exposes bad farangs? I don't know that it would. The Thai government is as bloody sick of these farang pukes as is everyone else. I would allow NO bashing of the King or the government in anyway, and such an attempt would result in immediate expulsion.


The Monarchy is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS! It truly is not. I wouldn't allow ANY comments that mentioned, or even alluded to, the Monarchy. As farangs we CANNOT POSSIBLY KNOW the intricacies and nuances of the relationship between Thais and their Monarchy. Farangs need to BUTT THE HELL OUT OF IT, but of course the greasy, drunken, sexpat Brits bombard the forums every single minute with THEIR stupid opinions of what the Monarchy "ought" to be doing. Yes, they embarrass themselves badly -- but are Brits really capable of being embarrassed? I'm no longer sure.


I'll give this more thought over the next months. The bottom line is that Thais need a way to publicly point out the bullshit and losses bad farangs and bad farang businesses heap onto them. They need a meaningful and effective way to defend themselves against a class of humans who travel to Thailand and take up residences and start businesses with almost a premeditated intent of fleecing Thais, and I, for one, am sick to fucking death of it. The government should be sick of it as well. Are they? I'm not entirely sure.


UPDATE August 8, 2022:


We have begun a procedure which will, in time, yield a database of any and all home/condo purchases by Jay Solomon. Some were outright purchases owned solely by Solomon. Some where apparently partnership purchases with Thais (gee, Jay, do you plan on screwing THEM TOO?). Some were probably Jay's own purchases through a Thai Limited Company. All records are available, but Thailand moves slowly and it could be months before we are able to post them here.


We are beginning to amass the paperwork needed to file criminal complaints against Jay Allan Solomon and the principals of Gecko Property Management (whoever that turns out to be). This, too, will take time, and we have absolutely no doubt that Jay and Gecko will employ every single dirty, underhanded trick to try to buy their ways out of any meaningful i investigation or prosecution. That is expected, and if they throw enough money on this fire, they may well put it out, and that's fine as well. In Thailand, were that to happen, the entire matter would vanish, never to see the light of day. The investigation would quietly die on the vine and no Thai would ever be aware of any of it. But I'm not Thai and I'm not in Thailand and I never will be again. That gives me the freedom to report every single development in the effort to get criminals tried and convicted for crimes. If (when) the investigation stops, we will be in a position to report EXACTLY where and when it stopped and by whom it was stopped.


It's like tracking a package incoming to Thailand: When the package goes missing, the tracking will show the last place it was scanned. It's a simple matter to list the names of those having access to that office, and to offer to pay polygraph testing for all of them. I've done this many times. On no occasion was my gracious offer to help them vindicate themselves accepted, even when there was probably only one culprit among half a dozen. That, unfortunately, makes ALL present look guilty. We do have a connection to an entity with great experience in the prosecution of THIS PRECISE CRIME in Thailand. Let's see if that entity can rattle some cages and get the charges filed. Gecko SWEARS the contract they use is bulletproof (we'll bait them to see if they are still using it and will report that too, in the months to come). Let's find out.


Solomon, on the other hand, has been quiet as a church mouse about it. He's hoping it will all blow over, just like everything blows over in Thailand. But I'm not Thai. How stupid this man is. That he refuses to stand up straight and face the issue enrages and energizes me all the more. Stupid, stupid man. Maybe he, instead of Tillotson, should have been awarded the nickname of Digger, because Solomon may in fact may be more adept at digging his own holes than Bobby.


We will be soliciting copies of Gecko's rental contracts (via the reward system) with other victims (er, we mean TENANTS), and we'll post them here, sans names.


What do I now think of Jewish people? I still can NOT believe that either or both that rancid, money-grubbing Jewish attorney nor Jay Allan Solomon are representative of the Jewish people. Maybe they are, but I prefer to have more data before I form a solid opinion. If these two, especially Lying Jay Solomon, really ARE what makes up the Jewish people, then fuck 'em. I want nothing to do with them.


What do I think of the Thais after ten full years with them? I certainly like Thais more than I like farangs (no misprint). Yes, Thais can be scammy. But they can also be pretty damned good people, and that was mostly my experience with them. I had some perfectly admirable experiences with many, many Thais -- experiences that I had and never would have with any farang in any country.


I was once riding a motorbike up near Bangkok and blew a rear tire. I walked a mile in each direction along a busy boulevard but could find no repair shops. I finally flagged down an elderly lady on a motorbike taxi, and offered to pay her to call a tire repairman to come and pick up my scooter. She refused, saying that would be too expensive; instead, she insisted on going to find a repair shop, and to help me get my motorbike to it. She disappeared and was gone about an hour. I gave up, assuming she had lost interest, and I was thinking about how else I could get this resolved. But presently she showed up, and said she had found a shop but that it was quite far away. She insisted on riding my scooter on the flat, because she was far lighter than me and felt there was still a chance we could save the tire, and I rode hers. It was 30 minutes to the shop, and once there, the man set to work to replace tire and tube. The lady stayed with me, to translate if needed, and that operation took about 90 minutes more. At the end of it I asked her how much I owed, and she said 200 baht (about $6 in those days). I was appalled -- that was a ridiculous price. I tried to give her 1000b, which was still an insult for all her diligent help. She refused it. I didn't have anything smaller and wouldn't give her anything smaller anyway and, honestly, I should have given her 2000b minimum. But she said no, if I didn't have small bills to make up the 200b, then it was ok, just let it go; she was happy to help. I ended up chasing her all around the area trying to make her accept the 1000b which, after 20 minutes, she laughingly did. I kick myself to this day for not giving her more. But this was a profound and heartfelt kindness and it really bailed me out. You will NOT find this kind of heart in, really, ANY farang in ANY country. You will, however, find plenty of lying, cheating, bamboozling louts, like Jay Allan Solomon.


This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.


I had way more than my share, of experiences like this with Thais. Way more. Yes, they can sometimes be scammy. But those are in the vast minority, unless you frequent hooker bars -- like Jay.


I've said repeatedly that, in the US and Canada, where I lived for many years (my favorite country, Canada), the native farangs are about 50-50, meaning 50% good and 50% bad. In SE Asia, however, I found that ratio to be about 2% good, and 98% bad. I don't know why, except to theorize that SE Asia, and particularly Thailand, seem to be a magnet for the WRONG KIND of farang. --The disgusting, revolting, greasy old sexpats, drunks, fools, and assorted bitchy, and malcontented violent vermin. So many times I wanted to get in front of a group of Thais with a megaphone and tell them point blank that the farangs they were being disgusted by and cheated by and lied to by, on an hourly basis, were in fact NOT representative of the mix of farangs in their own home countries. Yes, America and other western countries has way more than it's share of absolute retarded, incompetent shits, like Solomon, and Digger, but they are vastly concentrated in Thailand. Such a proclamation would, however, have no meaning to the beset and discouraged Thais, because one minute later they'd have to go back to dealing with the idiots and assholes of farangs among them, and they would never believe the notion that there really are SOME good farangs -- just not in Thailand.


I have been back in the US for a month or so as of this writing, and my Thai girlfriend had been relegated the task of selling off all of our larger belongings back in Nongprue. Most of the customers are farangs. They will arrive at the home, look around, see that everything is being sold and that there is no boyfriend readily visible, and ask her straight-up for "short time", which means they want to pay her for an hour of sex. She tells them to fuck off and die. How many do this? She says 95%. Try to imagine, if you can, what this behavior would bring them in the US or Canada. Many would be simply shot in the fucking face and that would be the proper response and in the best interests of the community. But short of that, nearly all would be reported to the police. A good number would be beaten or stabbed. ALL would be told to vacate the premises NOW or risk physical violence, yet the farangs seem to think this is perfect appropriate behavior in Thailand. Try to imagine just how deprived and depraved and grossly inappropriate a human male must be to try a stunt like that -- and I've watched these assholes extensively; they do this every single place they go. Even many of the prostitutes think it's absurd. They are so stunningly desperate that they will hit even waitresses, female taxi drivers, medical personnel, gas station attendants, females walking with their families on the streets, girls working in mall shops, students, girls waiting at bus stops, ABSOLUTELY ANY FEMALE ANYWHERE(!) with this same request or even demand for sex right then and there. You can watch this play out all day, every day, all across Thailand. Position yourself in the right areas and you can watch it play out every three to five MINUTES. Have these greasy losers never had sex in their entire lives? Not even one time? Have they never even SEEN a woman? You could surmise that! I wouldn't be surprised if Solomon tries this as he travels around. I wouldn't be surprised if Jay Solomon would try this even with my girlfriend! I would not be surprised if he already has, and girlfriend was afraid to tell me for fear I'd fly back to Thailand and dismember the reeking, rancid old jackass. THIS is why farangs need to be driven out of Thailand. I used that word on purpose: DRIVEN. Removed. Banned. Excised. Thrown the fuck out. Get them gone. I do finally see that the Philippines has enacted a strict law to stop farangs from hitting on innocent girls in this manner. It's time Thailand woke up to the revolting experiences farangs are forcing upon good Thai women and pass the same legislation AND THEN ACTUALLY ENFORCE IT. What Goddamned pathetic pigs these bastards are. Thailand, just get them gone. They are a major pollutant to your society. They are bringing your Kingdom down. They are embarrassing you and making you look stupid. Your people are better off without these pathetic losers. As I've said, the farangs in their native countries run about 50-50, good and bad. But farangs in Thailand are more like 98-99% bad. Thailand doesn't need them. Thai society doesn't want them. They are ruining traditional Thai society. I cannot express this strongly enough. The phenomenon is positively sickening. Wake up, Thailand. You don't need these people and you don't want them. You have enough problems without these Goddamned parasites draining the moral fabric your society further. The Jay Solomons in your country are but anchors around your neck, dragging you inexorably into the sewers. Get them out and return your country to its roots.


If "some" Thais are scammy, then vitally ALL farangs in Thailand are scammy. They are putrid and worthless and dishonest and dishonorable almost to a man -- I say to a man because there are nearly no farang females in Thailand.


However, I'm going to mention my farang ex-neighbor, Sue, age 70-something, living alone, who showed nothing but extreme disgust every time the mention of Jay Solomon came up -- to the point where she scowled and her voice and demeanor changed to expressions of profound disgust and contempt for Jay, especially when she quoted outrageous, bogus things he had told her. At the end, however, she apparently did Jay's bidding for him, willingly and gladly, and came snooping around my own house to see if THAT BAD MAN (me) was still in the home. Jay apparently gave up harassing the pool man who, I think it's accurate to say, hates Jay so much he can barely keep himself composed in Solomon's presence, and had refused to reveal anything to Jay about us no matter how many times he called and begged. But Sue was Johnny-on-the-Spot with faithful obedience to Tosser-Jay. She did this, and reported back to Jay immediately, and Jay then showed up to HER home (scared to go to MY home), and she was overheard clearly, treating Solomon with the utmost kindness and respect and offering all assistance. Her son appeared to be a first class human being (who will hate me now for talking about his Mom). This is the lady who ruined a fair amount of the electronic things we had packed in boxes in our own carport when she apparently used A FIRE HOSE to water her hanging plants on our common wall. We were forced to erect a heavy tarp between our homes as a water barrier. That's the same tarp Jay showed great disdain for when he saw it and inquired what it was for. Ah, those wacky Brits.




We are approaching the vacate date for this miserable property at the end of August, 2022. I have instructed girlfriend NOT to clean it and NOT to pay any (any) utilities. Solomon can take it out of the whopping 25,000 baht deposit (which is only half of what Solomon and Gecko struggled to schlepp us out of). Were we to pay the utilities and clean the home we'd never get a penny of that back from the deposit anyway. This is the first time in my life I have ever left a rental less than spotless. First time.


I consider this gang to be as dishonest as folks get, and that's saying a lot for farangs in Thailand. The ONLY way we can recover even a portion of what's owed us from the deposit is to FORCE these people to use it to pay the utilities and clean the home. We didn't need the home during August as I was long gone back to the US in July, and girlfriend already had a room, while waiting for her visa to come through. But at least we kept old rotten tuna Jay (RTJ) from collecting double rent on it and that makes us feel warm and fuzzy. We would have never received a refund for that either. Making double rent on this home was precisely what he was attempting to do and I bet he was rubbing his soft, greasy little hands together so fast in anticipation of that that they nearly combusted. I am fresh out of four letter words to use on this guy -- none seem capable of fitting his character. Maybe more could be invented.


I'm going to end this here, temporarily, as I must go traveling to a new country and set up a home. I will NOT rent from a farang nor will I use a so-called "agent" again in this lifetime and I will lobby hard and long, tirelessly, endlessly, relentlessly, wherever I go, to enlighten the unwary about their antics and scams. Again: Just say no to "agents". Scammier scammers exist in the cosmos, but they're rare.


I'll get back to this once I'm settled again. A few copies will go out before this is posted publicly, to law enforcement, select Thai politicians and legislators, the principals at Gecko Property Management in Pattaya, to Jay, to Digger, to Steve, etc., and to all tenants in all areas in the general areas of Jay's rentals around the region. The principals can Google themselves if they want to know when this goes public. It generally takes up to 2-3 months for a new website to propagate completely through all the search engines, and then another month for any paid advertising regimens to get fully entrenched and producing.


This site will remain posted for the duration of the lives of all involved, and then many more years after that. That's what you get when you lie and scam and try to steal from decent, honest people, and if the principals don't like it, they can shove it up their collective hairy asses. What a bunch of Goddamned losers.


All parties have been given my banking information. They can effortlessly refund any monies due me IF THEY CHOOSE. But we know what they'll choose. They could also compensate me for the outright expenses I've suffered due to Jay Solomon's lies and fraud, and Tillotsons absurd, ham-fisted efforts at obfuscation. I am due 400,000 baht. But we all know how long it will be before that amount shows up in my account.


All incoming communication from any players in this mess, and all communication from all Thailand IPs, will be blocked once this first draft goes out to Solomon, Digger, Steve, Gecko et al, etc. No further communication will be tolerated. Enough lying bullshit is enough.


Either the funds show up in my bank, or they don't. Trust me, they won't.


This page will be re-worked and re-written extensively over the next 18 months. Content will be added in the form of new pages and appropriate links, continuously, for years to come. I'm old. I've been everywhere and done everything. I have raised 131 ships from the sea floor; I've rescued 321 vessels in the NE Pacific (the Coast Guard twice). I've worked in Federal law enforcement. I'd sued a lot of scammers and won every case. I've had a lot of people try to get over on me, and some number have tried to blatantly steal from me (a few succeeded). But I cannot ever, ever remember being lied to so boldly, so explicitly, so convincingly, as what Jay Solomon pulled on this home. And then, after the lies and the scams and the fraud, to double down and try to screw me out of the August rent PLUS the deposit -- fuck you Jay. I'll do my very, very, level best to see you incarcerated and I won't stop in this lifetime. I'll work forever to see to it people are warned about you, Jay Allan Solomon, the slithering snake in the grass. No words from Websters can describe this enduring hatred. You've earned yourself an enemy. A real one.


Thailand: Get these hunks of reeking dog crap out of your country. You have enough trouble without this element dragging your people down. Get the cancer out and set yourselves free.


The following email will be delivered to all principals in this case on or about August, 26, 2022. The emails will be sent from a "blind box: account in which no replies are received from any Thailand IP. They are silently deleted.


This web page sent on August 25, 2022, To:


Gecko Real Estate.Co.,Ltd

Company Registration

Company Office 
(+66) 38 412150

(+66) 8465 64846





The culprits, in order of their involvement:


Note that Tillotson's smart-ass, punk-mouth was a not insignificant contributor to our assessment of Gecko as a whole and of our resolve in warning others about Gecko.


Solomon caused the problem.


Tillotson willingly, energetically, crudely and unprofessionally backed him up.


Scholey, for a short time, did his best to mitigate the problem, after a fashion, but his notion that Gecko's contracts are "perfectly legal" (or morally defensible for that matter) is disgusting. We will post the Thai government's official assessment of the Gecko contract as supplied to us, in time, Unfortunately Scholey's behavior descended straight into the toilet when he, also, attempted to set up a fraudulent scam by asserting that since the electricity was off to the pool for 2-3 hours, the pool "might be damaged". Read more about that later on.


Again, no communication from any entity involved will be received nor read. Emails are sent from a blind-box account.;;;tina@gecko-;;;;sabaicup@;;


Jay Solomon:
USA Passport 435914505
215/178 Moo3 Na Jomtien, Sattahip,
Chonburi Thailand, 20250


Robert (Bobby) (aka "Digger") Tillotson
Sales and Rental Consultant


Steve Scholey, Managing Director


Gecko Properties et al





We have endured no interaction whatsoever with the following entities at Gecko Real Estate.Co.,Ltd, and so we have no opinion of their behavior in any sense whatsoever. However we add them to the recipient list so that they may be aware of the shenanigans of their employer(s). We don't as yet have time to pull this company's corporate records; we will be delivering copies of this website to additional individuals once we have time to do that -- Ditto a handful of Thai government offices.



Paul Blackshaw Sales Director


Napaphat Jitklang (Ning)
Sales Consultant


Weeworaya Thongkham (Voon)
Rental Consultant


Nawiya Mitrthong (Tina)
Rental Consultant


Jamjuree Sutjariya (Jom)
Sales and Rental Consultant


Sureerat Singthong (Giff)
Directors Secretary


Kannicha Kaewpan (Guitar)



Final Email Communication TO:



Steve Scholey and all staff

Gecko Real Estate.Co.,Ltd

Date August 25, 2022

Re our and your rental at:


30/7 Park View Villa
Opposite Soi 23/2
Nongprue, Banglamung
Chonburi, Thailand 20150


Owner Jay Allan Solomon + one Thai National, name and details pending.


You will consider this unit vacated on the morning of August 28th, 2022.


Girlfriend has erroneously given the keys to Jay's new victims. Note that our rent is paid on this unit through (THROUGH) the month of August, 2022. No one has been given authority to enter these premises except the owner, the agent, and any cleaning personnel, and even that does not begin until Aug. 28th. Any new tenants using the home before the expiration of our tenancy will be considered trespassers and a criminal complaint of trespassing will be filed with the NongPrue police department.


Perhaps the power will be out when you go to enter the unit. Since you cannot reach the gate motor key box to disengage the motor (say Thank You Jay Solomon!), whatever will you do?


You have requested that we pay all utilities and provide proof of that, and in that case our deposit of 25,000 baht would be returned to us. Unfortunately, we now see you folks for what you are and we know beyond all doubt that no refund would ever be forthcoming no matter what we did or how we left the unit. We do in fact consider you folks to be little more than common thieves; due to that we have not paid any utility bills, nor will we. In that way, you will use up some portion of said deposit, instead of cheating us out of it.


The unit has been purposely left UNCLEANED. This is the first time in my life I have left any unit less than spotless. This was a conscious decision so that you would be forced to use up some portion of the deposit to clean it. The unit is being carefully video-taped upon vacating. We suggest you DO NOT LIE about its condition. But of course you will try; that's a given.


The keys are being left with either the pool man or with the neighbor, Sue. Find them yourselves. We were given only one set. There were two remotes given us. The pool man has one. The other will be left in the unit. The one we were forced to buy (800baht) (thanks again, Solomon) has been rendered inoperable by me, with a hammer. Perhaps you will find the pieces.


Attached is a PDF of the FIRST DRAFT of your web page at the domain (the page above this email, at the URL). It represents only one page of the site, and perhaps, roughly, 20% of the entire endeavor. The bigger it gets, the higher the SEO rank.


The website is not public at this time. We are considering September 20, 2022, as a release date. It could be later as I am traveling again. You can begin Googling yourselves to find out if/when it's live. We may wait until the website is more complete, polished and finished to switch it on. Or not. The site will be updated continuously for at least 18 months (in case you haven't grasped it yet, I really DON'T LIKE LIARS AND THIEVES). We will initially dedicate $1000/month in paid advertising so that this data is available to anyone and everyone seeking rental property in and around Pattaya. This domain is one of 84 we own. Several will contain exact copies so that in case one "mysteriously fails", another is always available to immediately take its place. Feel free to play whack-a-mole to your heart's content (we hope you do).


Again, this communication comes from a blind-box account. No replies or new communications will ever be received; they will automatically be flushed before we are even aware of them. The days of talking are over. Anything incoming from a Thai IP or any other SE Asia IP will be blocked. Anything referring to "Gecko" and a long string of other phrases and words....will be blocked. Trust me, you DO NOT want to enrage me further. You truly do not. Read that 18 times if you're not "getting" it, because "getting it" is crucial to your happiness. Read it 29 times. You do NOT want to miss this point. Read it 217 times if your skull is thick, and I do believe it is. You must grasp and comprehend this one message if you cannot grasp anything else. Do not enrage me further. Do not.


I am informed that the pool man has not shown up at all in August because Jay refused to pay him. Of course his payment should have been taken from the deposit, which I already paid, but hey, if Jay can steal a baht, Jay's gonna steal a baht. That's Jay and I am delighted he is your client. Peas in a pod. Jay has stolen the pool maintenance money. Period. Jay Solomon is, in addition to being a blatant, bold-faced liar and con-man, a thief.


There will be money left over from the deposit even after you pay the utilities, pay cleaners, paint the small patch in the back bedroom wall (which Solomon refused to allow me to paint), and replace the bed topper-turned Thai-student eating area.


You have my bank information; it was supplied to you twice.


Will you refund the unused portion?


Of course you won't. We know you folks and your ilk very, very well.


We have stated repeatedly that Jay's repeated lies, fraud, scams and refusals to maintain the property, forcing us to move, compounded by Tillotson's outrageous smart-mouth unprofessionalism in handling the case, and Steve's obnoxious insistence that Gecko's contracts are legal when Thai law couldn't be more clear that they are not, has caused us untold direct expense, stress and grief. The sum of 400,000 baht would lessen our utter and profound hatred toward all principals mentioned herein. Would you ever pay such an amount? To give that a snowflake's chance in Hell would be laughable. Morality is not your strong suit. We will, however, explore other possibilities in the recovery of a similar sum. Maybe we can prevail; maybe we can't. Let's find out.


Don't care to voluntarily compensate us fairly? That's ok! Every single time I take note that no such amount has arrived in my bank account, I'll be mightily energized and spurred onward to work tirelessly to prevent you folks from pulling any similar stunt on any other living human again. Those efforts will continue well after my passing, and Jay's. Were you operating in the US, you'd already be on the court docket. I suggest you do not operate in the US.


Congratulations: You've created, and then repeatedly cultivated (per Tillotson and later, Steve), one of the most formidable enemies you could ever imagine.


When folks set out to screw over other folks for fun and profit, they MUST understand that, sooner or later, they will bump heads with someone JUST. LIKE. ME. It's inevitable.


Let's go to war.



CC: PDF Web page attachment







This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.










UPDATE, August 17, 2022:


As of this date, the above email has not yet been sent to Steve or anyone else. It's not yet time. But there are new developments that must be chronicled.


As expected, more and more bullshit sprouts from Steve Scholey at Gecko.


On August 16 I received an email from Scholey stating that the electric company had contacted him and informed him that the electricity in the home was about to be turned off for non-payment. This was more or less an expected event, however the electric company had told US it would be turned off on August 25th. But no matter. We had purposely elected not to pay the bill, but to have it paid out of our 25,000 baht deposit, because we knew if we paid the bill, we would never recover any of our deposit anyway. We had long come to regard Gecko, and Steve Scholey, and Solomon, and Tillotson, as nothing more than dime-store scammers. Just rank, mindless scammers, out to leach every last baht they could get from anyone for anything. That's how we felt about them and they are actively cementing that appraisal of their characters.


As it turned out, the power had been turned off already, but then the bill had been paid from our deposit, and the power was reinstated. I don't know the duration of the outage; certainly not more than a couple of hours.


Steve emailed me to say that perhaps the pool had been damaged, or he hoped it had not been damaged, during that brief period without power.


Let that sink in for a moment.


Let me state that again:


This man, Steve Scholey, was suggesting, in writing, that the pool might have been damaged due to the power being off for two to three hours.


Of course no one on this earth is actually that dumb. Except Steve Scholey.


At that exact instant I realized this man was either mentally handicapped, fully insane, a life-long scammer/fraudster, or all of the above. I now opt for all of the above.


An in-ground pool requires electricity for one and only one thing: FILTRATION. This pool has a filter on a timer that only turns on a couple of times a day for an hour or two. The rest of the time nothing is running and nothing NEEDS to run. Yet this world-class imbecile was trying to put forward the assertion that maybe this pool had been "physically damaged" due to the power being off for a few hours, and his next assertion would be that I had to pay BIG MONEY for some imagined damage to the pool.


Got it?


Are you beginning to grasp the sheer and unmitigated insanity of these people?


If not, re-read this page from the beginning and try harder to see the light.


Are you grasping this yet?


I hope so, because as much as I see them as nothing but scammers, liars, shysters, fools, and incompetents, I do realize that I STILL am not seeing the true depths of their stupidity. It's even worse than I imagine and worse than I CAN imagine.


This instance of attempted fraud by Steve Scholey is SO backward and egregious and insane that I am, at risk of beating a dead horse, compelled to hit it one last time, just to be sure folks understand what they're dealing with in Steve Scholey and Gecko Property Management in Pattaya because if they don't, and they get entangled with this embarrassing fool anyway, they're setting themselves up for exactly this same treatment. So here it is, again, and I will try to use the simplest possible terms:




An in-ground pool uses NO electricity except to run its filters.




Those filters, or in this case a single filter, runs only a couple hours a day -- four at most -- because it's on a timed schedule.




The filter doesn't run MOST OF THE TIME.


Fact: No pool is ever damaged in any way under the sun during those intervals when the filter isn't running.


If that were the case, every pool would be damaged each and every time the electricity was out, and it's out very, very frequently in Nong Prue.


How many pools are damaged due to this?




Not one.


Not one penny or peso or satang of damage.


Not once.


Not ever.


No damage due to this has ever occurred in the history of the world.


That's the FACT.


Got it?




But Steve Scholey is more than suggesting that perhaps SERIOUS damage has been done to the pool at this address by the power being out for a couple of hours.


Why would he suggest such an insane thing?


No pool would be damaged if the electricity was off for a MONTH. Yes, it would need a scrubbing, but NO DAMAGE.


But Steve suggests there will be damage if the pool isn't filtered for a FEW HOURS.


What kind of human being would even remotely posit such an ignoramus thing?


1. A man so mentally handicapped that he should never be allowed to drive a motor vehicle or, indeed, be let out of the house unescorted.


2. A man attempting to set up yet another scam on a tenant.






Ok, I've belabored that enough.


But here's a story:


Let's set this up for the reader first:


Most car engines hold about five quarts of oil -- four in the crankcase and one in the filter. About 2.5 of those quarts are needed by the engine for proper lubrication. One quart is held in the filter at any given time, and the fifth quart is merely a reserve. That means that an engine can lose up to 2.5 quarts of oil and still run perfectly well and safely until the oil can be replenished. Lose a quart? That means nothing. Lose two quarts? It means next to nothing. Top it off as soon as practicable. Okay, so here's the true tale:


I had an idiot uncle once (no blood relation). One day he decided to make an appointment to have the oil in his car changed. At the proper time he went to his car and checked the oil level to be sure it was safe to drive it the two miles to the oil change garage. But it was half a quart low. Being the supreme brainiac that he was, he called a taxi and took it to an auto parts store and bought a quart of oil, then took the taxi back home. There he poured the quart into the engine. Now it was half a quart over-full, which is no problem whatever. A full quart over is PERHAPS a problem, but probably not. Two quarts over-full IS a problem. This intellectual giant called a mobile mechanic to come and remove the half quart overfill from the engine. Once this was done, the uncle drove to his oil change appointment, whereupon they removed ALL the oil and refilled it to the proper spec. Then he drove it home. one stupid son of a bitch by any standard on any planet.


And to try to make the case that a pool filter being off for 2 or 3 hours, or two or three DAYS, will or has caused "damage" to a pool, is stupid by a factor of about 916 orders of magnitude beyond that. It's hard to imagine that anything can BE any dumber, but it probably can.


Steve Scholey is what he is. Take that into hard, hard consideration when thinking of doing business with him or his little company. And remember, not if, but WHEN you have trouble with any of these jokers, neither your problems, or anyone else's, will ever, ever be found on any review site unless the reviewer leaves Thailand and posts from outside the country.


I stopped reading Steve's email at that exact line about the pool being damaged and replied, simply, "Wait for the website". You can't reason with a salamander.


Steve replied AGAIN (!!!) with some nonsense about this issue and I didn't read it except to barely glean what the subject matter was. I replied AGAIN with the same four words: "Wait for the website". guessed it, like any spoiled eleven year old, Steve emailed YET AGAIN with the same kind of nonsense and that was bloody-well enough. I replied, "By God, that's enough childish bullshit. Cease and desist."


But, you guessed it, Steve emailed EVEN MORE with what appeared to be the same adolescent nonsense. I did read one line which said, "I don't care about your website and I don't need to see it. Don't send me the link."


I replied, of course, "Cease and desist", because you can't engage a gecko in intelligent discourse.


I don't know how many more childish tantrums this jackass threw after that because I blocked him along with all the rest of the dirty little Cabal.


Of course Steve, Digger (Tillotson) and everybody else involved had been sent the link long, long before, and many times. Steve then says don't send him the link because he's not worried about this website. Good for him! He can sleep soundly knowing this website is being popped in front of most people searching for Pattaya condo rentals. Good for Steve.


In the US, three unwanted contacts are grounds for a legal restraining order and a criminal charge of harassment. In Thailand, there may be laws on the books to cover those situations -- I don't know because any such laws would be effectively meaningless anyway.


Steve's insane emails were archived, unread until he was blocked. I doubt I'll ever read them except as represented here.


Steve and ALL staff and countless others WILL receive this website on August 26th whether Steve or anyone else likes it or not and he can then shove it up his ass.


The take-away from this bizarre exchange with a man who struggles to pass himself off as a competent professional, is this:


No one in their right mind would ever, for one microsecond, believe that ANY pool of ANY type could be somehow "damaged" by the electricity being off for a couple of hours or even a few days. If anyone did believe that I would have to assume they were so profoundly out of touch with reality that they should not be allowed outside of a padded room without a minder and a leash.


Is Steve Scholey really that far gone, mentally? Perhaps he is. Perhaps he actually is. If he's not, then he must think the rest of the world is that stupid. Employers almost never hire people they think are an intellectual equal to themselves and God forbid, smarter. I suppose the rest of his staff is not even as smart as Steve.


I do think Steve Scholey is just as stupid as Jay Solomon. Exactly as stupid. And that he believes the rest of the world is exactly as stupid as he is and that he can fart out these ludicrous claims and no one will know he's a moron. The US has plenty of politicians exactly that dumb right now. Steve was making a lame attempt to set up a narrative that would eventually turn into a scam (lie) in which he actually would assert the claim that the power being off for a couple of hours damaged the pool in some insane and unknowable way, and he would then assess some arbitrary amount to be paid by me for that damage, taken out of the deposit. To steal the deposit was the plan from the start. This is called, ladies and gentlemen, A SCAM.


I've known from the very beginning of my actual interactions with Gecko, as evidenced by Tillotson's own asinine messages to me (shown in this web page), that these folks were three sheets to the wind when it came to reality or honesty. Knowing that, I knew they would do ANYTHING, make up any lie, perpetrate any scam, erect any charade, to keep from refunding ANY of the 25,000 baht deposit. Once they GET your money, you ain't gettin' it back if they can help it. That's how I instinctively see them and their own actions and messages have reinforced this belief at every single turn as detailed in this page.


As of this afternoon, the diarrhea verbiage from idiot Steve Scholey has stopped. For now. Because I blocked him. I suspect his adolescent brain will get the better of his judgment at any moment, and they will resume, sent by his staff or whomsoever. If they originate from Thailand or the UK, they'll never reach my inbox and if they include any of a hundred or so key words or phrases they won't make it through either; they'll merely evaporate into the ether. There's only so much insanity anyone will stand for and this gaggle of misfits has far exceeded their quota.


The deal is done with these folks: The agreement to stay through August was signed by them; and that's it! It's done. Over. They WILL make up lies and stories and invent damages so as to keep ALL of my deposit and they will con and make up stories and exaggerate situations and claims all for the purpose of schlepping a few more dollars out of me (and you too), because that's who they are at their core: Scammers.


And what will this web page do to their bottom line? It's hard to tell. Maybe nothing at all. If people are dumb enough to continue renting from or through this agency, then Gecko Property Management in Pattaya, Thailand, will continue on as that lost fishing net we discussed so far back up on this page. They will continue snagging suckers forever and ever and ever. Will you be one?


THIS.....and EXACTLY this, is what you're going to get from farang businesses in Thailand. With exceedingly rare exception, this is ALL you're going to get. You're far and vastly better off doing business with the Ferengi. Honestly, I had very little trouble doing business with Thais. I've had nothing but trouble doing business with white westerners in Thailand, mostly the Brits, and the Thais have the very same trouble with them. For God's sake, Thailand, get them gone. Just get them the Hell out and reclaim your nation, your culture, and your dignity. I know the honorable King Maha Vajiralongkorn has indicated the same disdain for the putrid farangs raping his country, figuratively and literally, and if there's any way on earth to get this website, or any part of it, to his staff, trust me, I'll find it.


When we left our huge shophouse, where the non-Thai owner blatantly lied about what she was renting to us -- even lied about it in writing, in the contract -- we hoped to end up dealing with a logical, honest, competent and professional landlord where I could live out my retirement years in peace.


I KNEW Jay Solomon was none of those things. I KNEW he was a liar, a crook, a shyster, and probably even mentally handicapped. I knew these things going into it, so it's on my head for choosing to do business AGAIN with a snake -- a snake who had proven himself over and over and over to be a snake. That's MY fault. I should have been smarter. But I thought (assumed -- there's that four-letter word) that I would ONLY be dealing with Gecko, and I "assumed" they couldn't possibly be dumber or scammier than rotten-old-tuna Jay Solomon.


But I was wrong again.


That's because farang businesses in Thailand are nearly ALWAYS the dregs of society. The dumbest of the dumb. The most foolish of fools.


I KNEW Solomon was a write off and I was right. Again!


I "thought" Tillotson would be an honorable, competent, professional.


I was dead wrong. He's an imbecile with about a Fourth Grade education.


I "thought" Steve Scholey would be an honorable, competent professional.


I was dead wrong. He's an imbecile with about a Sixth Grade education.


That's on THEIR heads, not mine.





I've just been informed that the pool man hasn't shown up for any of August, 2022, because he wasn't paid. The reality is that I ALREADY paid him through the deposit, but Jay has elected to keep that money for himself and not pass it to the pool man. That's Jay! That's Jay in virtually every single interaction, probably for his whole life. I am incredibly glad Solomon is a client of Gecko. They can both devote their time to fucking one another. It's poetic.


Thailand, is this the caliber of human being you really want scamming your own citizens and teaching them how to behave? If the answer is yes, just keep on issuing those visas.




UPDATE: Sept 8, 2022


As expected, and as predicted all through this website, both Jay A. Solomon and Steve Scholey have refused to refund any portion of the 25,000 baht deposit. As a worst case scenario, no more than roughly 15,000 baht would have been legitimately used, leaving a net return of around $300us. This tells me that I have been correct in my assessment of these two shysters all along, and that both Jay A. Solomon and Steve Scholey (i.e. Gecko Property Management, Pattaya, Thailand) are merely common thieves.


Moral: Stay. Away. From. Property. Agents.


Just as it is the viper's purpose in life to kill, it is the agent's purpose in life to steal.


It's in their fucking genetic code.


The website goes public on Sept. 20, 2022, even as a first draft. It will be edited continuously for around 18 months, unless there are new developments, in which case the edits could continue for years. The paid advertising regimen will begin probably sometime in September.


These two fraudsters have earned it.


Now we're not just "headed" to war; we're there.



UPDATE: July, 2024

We were flying from Romania to Sydney and had the thought that it might be fun to drop in to Bangkok to visit some kids we helped escape the rank poverty they were in up around Chiang Rai, many years ago. I decided to check with a Pattaya attorney I had used for over a decade, to see if we would, in fact, face any consequences as a result of Thailand's bizarre defamation laws. Since this website was posted on an American server, while we were not in Thailand, it is probably the case that Thailand's laws can't touch it. Or us. But we wanted to be sure. That attorney had been a good friend for around 14 years and had handled all of my immigration business and a few other cases as well, and his work was flawless. I was disturbed to find he had passed away and his wife was now running the business.

I was more disturbed to find that she had run the business into the ground in only two short years and the firm's credibility is now non-existent.

I was disturbed even more to discover that she is also "friends" with Gecko Properties and of course ran straight to them with my request for clarification on the law. Even serpents can have serpent friends -- rather like a gooey nest of slithering worms.


It would have been nice to visit the kids, but they can always come and visit us - better to get them out of Thailand anyhow. Thailand is, honestly, one of those International quicksand bogs into which decent humans should simply not ever step. You quickly learn that the mud isn't really mud-- it's feces.

I caution anyone and everyone who ever asks me, and I'm asked a lot:

Do not EVER contemplate settling or retiring in Thailand. Want to visit? Sure. Go. Stay in a 4-5 star hotel in a tourist area, stay out of the bars, don't rent a jet ski, don't rent a car or a motorbike, don't talk to ANY Thais or even expats who talk to you first. Go see some temples, sit on a beach, take some pictures, and if you make it back to your flight unscathed, count yourself lucky. You've gambled and won. NOW GO HOME.



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This web page contains and includes my opinions, hunches, experiences, suspicions and best guesses.